The Advanced Targeting Systems targeting technology provides neuroscientists with the tools to identify, visualize, and or eliminate specific cell types. Some examples of scientific studies using ATS products include Learning and Memory, Circadian Rhythm, Sleeping and Wakefulness, Parkinson’s Disease, Alzheimer’s Disease, Addiction, Multiple Sclerosis, Pain Mechanisms, Eating and Diet.
Featured Articles

Learning and Memory
Circadian Rhythm
Dyno-SAP (Dynorphin-SAP) [IT-68]
Sleeping and Wakefulness
Dermorphin-SAP / MOR-SAP [IT-12]
Eating and Appetite
Dyno-SAP (Dynorphin-SAP) [IT-68]
Pain Mechanism
Parkinson’s Disease
Alzheimer’s Disease
Multiple Sclerosis
ALS / Lou Gehrig’s Disease
Plus Antibodies and more
Targeted Resources Library