Targeting Trends

Cover Article: Carrageenan evoked P-Akt in deep dorsal horn neurons is prevented by loss of neurokinin1 positive neurons in superficial dorsal horn

Contributed by L.S. Sorkin, J.-I. Choi, and F.J. Koehrn, Univ. California San Diego, La Jolla, CA Paw inflammation with carrageenan elicits phosphorylation of Akt in spinal cord neurons with an unusual time course (Choi et al., 2010). Activation of Akt is seen first in neurons of the superficial dorsal horn and in α-motor neurons, followed […]

Cover Article: Carrageenan evoked P-Akt in deep dorsal horn neurons is prevented by loss of neurokinin1 positive neurons in superficial dorsal horn Read More »

Targeting Tools: Anti-DBH-SAP

Anti-dopamine beta-hydroxylase-saporin (anti-DBH-SAP, Cat. #IT-03) is a highly specific noradrenergic lesioning agent. It specifically targets rat cells that express dopamine beta-hydroxylase and is also reported to react with mouse protein.1 This vesicular enzyme is exposed to the exterior milieu upon release of noradrenaline and thus allows these cells to be targeted with saporin. The specificity

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Cover Article: Targeted Lesion of Caudal Brainstem Catecholamine Neurons Reveals Their Role in Symptoms of Fatigue

Contributed by Lisa E. Goehler and Ronald P.A. Gaykema Center for the Study of Complementary and Alternative Therapies, University of Virginia School of Nursing, Charlottesville, VA 22908 Fatigue, experienced as reduced motivation and motor activity, is common in acute and chronic disease, including heart disease, cancer and cancer chemotherapy. Fatigue is part of a constellation

Cover Article: Targeted Lesion of Caudal Brainstem Catecholamine Neurons Reveals Their Role in Symptoms of Fatigue Read More »

Targeting Tools: GAT1-SAP

GAT-1 is a sodium-coupled neurotransmitter transporter responsible for moving g-aminobutyric acid (GABA) across cell membranes. GABA is the predominant inhibitory neurotransmitter in the mammalian central nervous system. GAT-1 is widely distributed in both the central and peripheral nervous systems. GAT-1 and GABA are present in numerous neuronal pathways, some of which are implicated in epilepsy,

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Cover Article: Targeted Ablation of Sympathetic Neurons Reduces Ventricular Arrhythmias and Autonomic Dysreflexia

Contributed by Heidi L. Lujan and Stephen E. DiCarloDepartment of Physiology, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, MI 48201 Excessive sympathetic activity is responsible for, and/or contributes to, the morbidity and mortality associated with cardiovascular diseases (e.g. hypertension, stroke, heart failure, ischemic heart disease, ventricular arrhythmias). For example, myocardial ischemia provokes a powerful reflex

Cover Article: Targeted Ablation of Sympathetic Neurons Reduces Ventricular Arrhythmias and Autonomic Dysreflexia Read More »

Targeting Tools: Targeting NGF Receptor-Positive Neurons

Targeting in mouse: mu p75-SAP (Cat. #IT-16) To create this targeted toxin, we affinity-purified the rabbit polyclonal with the immunogen bound to a solid support, and conjugated the affinity-purified antibody (Cat. #AB-N01AP) to saporin. As can be seen in the cytotoxicity assay below, mu p75-SAP has an EC50 in the picomolar range. This greater potency

Targeting Tools: Targeting NGF Receptor-Positive Neurons Read More »

Targeting Tools: CTB-SAP

CTB-SAP (Cat. #IT-14) is a conjugate between the cell-binding component of cholera toxin (the B chain) and saporin. CTB binds to GM1 (monosialotetrahexosylganglioside), which is present on the surface of different neurons. It has been suggested to be involved in many problems (besides the most famous in the gut: cholera) of neuronal systems: Parkinson’s, motor

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Targeting Article: Poster at American Association for Cancer Research Meeting

At this year’s AACR meeting, Leonardo Ancheta, scientist and Product Manager from ATS, presented a poster on our new monoclonal antibody to Basigin-2 (Cat. #AB-42). The poster describes our work with the antibody and the immunotoxin made from it (Cat. #IT-54). Basigin-2 (EMMPRIN, CD147) is widely expressed on the surface of numerous tumor types and

Targeting Article: Poster at American Association for Cancer Research Meeting Read More »

Cover Article: Role of Cell Fate Determinants in a Model of Spinal Cord Neurotoxic Lesion Induced by Cholera Toxin B-Saporin

Contributed by Rosario Gulino, Vincenzo Perciavalle and Massimo Gulisan Dept of Physiological Sciences, Univ of Catania, Viale Andrea Doria, 6-I95125 Catania ITALY A promising approach for central nervous system (CNS) repair consists in the activation of endogenous neural precursor cells (NPCs), but this process is less efficient in the spinal cord (SC) following a spinal

Cover Article: Role of Cell Fate Determinants in a Model of Spinal Cord Neurotoxic Lesion Induced by Cholera Toxin B-Saporin Read More »

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