Read the 2015 Newsletters and recent scientific references
2015, issue 1:
- Impairments in gait, posture and complex movement control in rats modeling the multi-system, cholinergic-dopaminergic losses in Parkinson’s Disease / by Aaron Kucinski / featuring 192-IgG-SAP (Cat. #IT-01), Anti-ChAT-SAP (Cat. #IT-42)
- Society for Neuroscience Poster of the Year Award
- Veterinary Development of Substance P-Saporin (SP-SAP)
- Targeting Talk: Protocols and Dosage
- Targeting Tools: ZAP SrB Development Kit
2015, issue 2:
- Drug-free selection of stable transfectants using targeted toxin technology and a vector expressing cell-surface carbohydrate-digesting enzyme / by M Sato and S Watanabe / featuring rIB4-SAP (Cat. #IT-10)
- Targeting Talk: Targeted Toxin Format, Anti-DBH-SAP specificity, Flow Cytometry Services
- Targeting Tools: Custom Biotinylation Service
2015, issue 3:
- SP-SAP Human Clinical Trial for Cancer Pain – An Anesthesiologist’s Point of View / by C Noe and E McDermott / featuring SP-SAP
- Targeting Talk: in vitro cytotoxicity assays, Using Kit Controls
2015, issue 4:
- A specific immunotoxin elucidates a causal role of striatal cholinergic system in behavioral flexibility / by S Aoki and JR Wickens / featuring Anti-ChAT-SAP (Cat. #IT-42)
- Targeting Talk: Suicide Transport and Immunolesioning Book, Retrograde Transport
- Targeting Tools: MonoBiotin-ZAP (Cat. #BT-ZAP), Anti-ChAT-SAP