Read the 2009 Newsletters and recent scientific references
2009, issue 1:
- Selective deletion of CD8+ T cells by saporin-coupled MHC class I tetramers / by Hess PR, Buntzman AS, Murray SL, Young EF, Frelinger JA / featuring Streptavidin-ZAP (Cat. #IT-27), FITC-labeled SAP antibody (Cat. #FL-02)
- SFN Poster of the Year
- Targeting Talk: IgM Primary Antibody Assay
2009, issue 2:
- Deletion of Catecholaminergic Neurons by Anti-DBH-Saporin Disrupts Hypothalamic MAP Kinase and CREB Activation / by Khan AM, Rapp KL, Ponzio TA, Sanchez-Watts G, Watts AG / featuring Anti-DBH-SAP (Cat. #IT-03), Mouse IgG-SAP (Cat. #IT-18)
- Targeting Talk: SSP-SAP Aliquot Temperature, Somatostatin Antibodies, Antigen for HRP-labeled Antibody to p53, Anti-Conjugated Caprylic Acid
- Targeting Tools: Featured Products
2009, issue 3:
- Depletion of Microglia by Mac-1-SAP in Mouse Hippocampal Slice Cultures Enhances Ischemia-Like Neurodegeneration / by Montera M, Gonzalez B, Zimmer J / featuring Mac-1-SAP (Cat. #IT-06 mouse/human)
- SBIR Grant Funded: Selective Activation in Neuronal Populations
- Targeting Talk: Anti-Melanopsin Protocol
2009, issue 4:
- Ablation of GRPR+ Neurons in the Spinal Cord by Bombesin-Saporin Knocks Out Itch Sensation in Mice Without Affecting Pain Circuit / by Chen ZF, Sun YG, Zhao ZQ, Meng XL, Yin J, Liu XY / featuring Bombesin-SAP (Cat. #IT-40) and Blank-SAP (Cat. #IT-21)
- Targeting Tools: Anti-Basigin