
Targeting Tools: Anti-DBH-SAP

Anti-dopamine beta-hydroxylase-saporin (anti-DBH-SAP, Cat. #IT-03) is a highly specific noradrenergic lesioning agent. It specifically targets rat cells that express dopamine beta-hydroxylase and is also reported to react with mouse protein.1 This vesicular enzyme is exposed to the exterior milieu upon release of noradrenaline and thus allows these cells to be targeted with saporin. The specificity […]

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Cover Article: Targeted Lesion of Caudal Brainstem Catecholamine Neurons Reveals Their Role in Symptoms of Fatigue

Contributed by Lisa E. Goehler and Ronald P.A. Gaykema Center for the Study of Complementary and Alternative Therapies, University of Virginia School of Nursing, Charlottesville, VA 22908 Fatigue, experienced as reduced motivation and motor activity, is common in acute and chronic disease, including heart disease, cancer and cancer chemotherapy. Fatigue is part of a constellation

Cover Article: Targeted Lesion of Caudal Brainstem Catecholamine Neurons Reveals Their Role in Symptoms of Fatigue Read More »

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