Melanopsin Rabbit Polyclonal [AB-N38]


SKU: AB-N38 Category: Quantity: 50 ul | Antibody Type: Polyclonal | Host: rabbit | Reactivity: mouse | Conjugate: unconjugated | Usage: immunofluorescence |

Intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGCs) contain melanopsin. The ipRGCs, with their amazing long processes, are involved in the perception of light and dark and are circadian rhythm determinants. Anti-Melanopsin (UF006) has very high specificity to mouse ipRGCs.

Anti-Melanopsin (UF006) recognizes a sequence representing the 15 most N-terminal amino acids of the mouse melanopsin extracellular domain. Anti-Melanopsin (UF006) does not cross-react with melanopsins of other species, it is very specific for mouse. This antibody is routinely tested by immunofluorescence.

Applications include immunofluorescence. This antibody does NOT work in immunoblotting.

Anti-Melanopsin staining on either flat-mount or cross-section staining of mouse retina. Staining of the antibody is shown in green. Blue is DAPI and tdTomato (red) signal from OPN4cre; R26Syp-tdT mouse line. Cat. #AB-N38 (neat sera) is lot #205-130 and Cat. #AB-N39 (affinity-purified) is lot #205-129.
Images supplied courtesy of Wenjin Xu, Xiarong Lu, and Ignacio Provencio at the University of Virginia.

keywords: melanopsin, Intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells, ipRGC, ipRGCs, UF006, Anti-Melanopsin, Anti-UF006, brain, neuroscience, circadian rhythm, retina, flat mount, cornea, eye, staining


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Photoreceptive net in the mammalian retina.

Provencio I, Rollag MD, Castrucci AM (2002) Photoreceptive net in the mammalian retina. Nature 415:493. doi: 10.1038/415493a PMID: 11823848

Related Products: Melanopsin Rabbit Polyclonal (Cat. #AB-N38)

Targeted destruction of photosensitive retinal ganglion cells with a saporin conjugate alters the effects of light on mouse circadian rhythms.

Göz D, Studholme K, Lappi DA, Rollag MD, Provencio I, Morin LP (2008) Targeted destruction of photosensitive retinal ganglion cells with a saporin conjugate alters the effects of light on mouse circadian rhythms. PLoS ONE 3(9):e3153. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0003153 PMID: 18773079

Summary: Retinal ganglion cells expressing melanopsin photopigment are thought to be involved in non-image forming visual responses to light. The authors had a custom conjugate made between saporin and an anti-melanopsin antibody. A 400-ng injection of the melanopsin-SAP conjugate into the eye of a mouse resulted in a 57% loss of the targeted cells. Rabbit IgG-SAP (Cat. #IT-35) was used as a control. The data indicates that melanopsin-containing cells are involved in the response to certain non-image forming visual input.

Related Products: Melanopsin-SAP (Cat. #IT-44), Melanopsin Rabbit Polyclonal (Cat. #AB-N38), Melanopsin Rabbit Polyclonal, affinity-purified (Cat. #AB-N39), Rabbit IgG-SAP (Cat. #IT-35)

A novel human opsin in the inner retina.

Provencio I, Rodriguez IR, Jiang G, Hayes WP, Moreira EF, Rollag MD (2000) A novel human opsin in the inner retina. J Neurosci 20(2):600-605. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.20-02-00600.2000 PMID: 10632589

Summary: Provencio and colleagues found that melanopsin is also present in mouse retina, specifically in ganglion cells, and that it mediates non-visual photoreceptive tasks.

Related Products: Melanopsin Rabbit Polyclonal (Cat. #AB-N38), Melanopsin Rabbit Polyclonal, affinity-purified (Cat. #AB-N39)

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Melanopsin Products:

Melanopsin Rabbit Polyclonal (Cat. #AB-N38)

Melanopsin Rabbit Polyclonal, affinity purified (Cat. #AB-N39)

Melanopsin-SAP (Cat. #IT-44)

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Anti-Melanopsin Staining

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