See what it’s all about: Melanopsin, retinal cells

Melanopsin Rabbit Polyclonal Cat. #AB-N38
Synergistic loss of interneurons and RGCs in Pcdh-ag double mutant retinas. “…surviving RGC subpopulations are sparse, but proportionally more MelipRGCs remained in mutant Pcdh-agrko retinas (4.1% of total RGCs are Melanopsin+ in Control compared with 35% of Melanopsin+ /total RGCs in Pcdh-agrko mutants).”

In 1997, Melanopsin was discovered by Dr. Ignacio Provencio as a novel opsin in the melanophores (light-sensitive skin cells) of the African clawed frog.[1]  Provencio and colleagues then found in 2000 that melanopsin is also present in mouse retina, specifically in ganglion cells, and that it mediates non-visual photoreceptive tasks.[2]   Melanopsin has since been found to be encoded by Opn4 with orthologs in a variety of organisms. Here are publications from 2018 using Anti-Melanopsin (Cat. #AB-N38, Cat. # AB-N39) and Melanopsin-SAP (Cat. #IT-44) to further explore the roles of melanopsin in various species.

  1. Provencio I, Jiang G, De Grip WJ, Hayes WP, & Rollag MD. Melanopsin: An opsin in melanophores, brain, and eye. (1998). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 95 (1):340.
  2. Provencio I, Rodriguez IR, Jiang G, Hayes WP, Moreira EF, & Rollag MD. A Novel Human Opsin in the Inner Retina. (2000). The Journal of Neuroscience, 20 (2):600.
  3. Ing-Esteves S, Kostadinov D, Marocha J, Sing AD, Joseph KS, Laboulaye MA, Sanes JR, & Lefebvre JL. Combinatorial Effects of Alpha- and Gamma-Protocadherins on Neuronal Survival and Dendritic Self-Avoidance. (2018). The Journal of Neuroscience, 38 (11):2713. Cat. #AB-N38: Anti-Melanopsin
  4. Delwig A, Chaney SY, Bertke AS, Verweij JAN, Quirce S, Larsen DD, Yang C, Buhr E, Van Gelder R, Gallar J, Margolis T, & Copenhagen DR. Melanopsin expression in the cornea. (2018). Visual Neuroscience, 35 E004. 01/31. Cat. #AB-N39: Anti-Melanopsin
  5. Grillo SL, & Stella SL, Jr. Melanopsin retinal ganglion cells are not labeled in Thy-1YFP-16 transgenic mice. (2018). Neuroreport, 29 (2):118-122. 2017/12/19. Cat. #AB-N39: Anti-Melanopsin
  6. Potter H, Alenciks E, Frazier K, Porter A, & Fraley GS. Immunolesion of melanopsin neurons causes gonadal regression in Pekin drakes (Anas platyrhynchos domesticus). (2018). Gen Comparative Endocrinology, 256 16-22. Cat. #IT-44; Melanopsin-SAP, Cat. # PR-01; Saporin
  7. Stabio ME, Sabbah S, Quattrochi LE, Ilardi MC, Fogerson PM, Leyrer ML, Kim MT, Kim I, Schiel M, Renna JM, Briggman KL, & Berson DM. The M5 Cell: A Color-Opponent Intrinsically Photosensitive Retinal Ganglion Cell. (2018). Neuron, 97 (1):150-163.e154. Cat. #AB-N38: Anti-Melanopsin
  8. Ueki Y, Shchepetkina V, & Lefcort F. Retina-specific loss of lkbkap/Elp1 causes mitochondrial dysfunction that leads to selective retinal ganglion cell degeneration in a mouse model of familial dysautonomia. (2018). Dis Model Mech. Jul 30;11(7). pii: dmm033746. doi: 10.1242/dmm.033746. Cat. #AB-N38: Anti-Melanopsin
  9. Wong JCY, Smyllie NJ, Banks GT, Pothecary CA, Barnard AR, Maywood ES, Jagannath A, Hughes S, van der Horst GTJ, MacLaren RE, Hankins MW, Hastings MH, Nolan PM, Foster RG, & Peirson SN. Differential roles for cryptochromes in the mammalian retinal clock. (2018).  FASEB J Aug;32(8):4302-4314. doi: 10.1096/fj.201701165RR. Epub 2018 Mar 21. Cat. #AB-N38; Anti-Melanopsin
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