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  4. Lesions of kndy and kiss1r neurons in the arcuate nucleus produce different effects on lh pulse patterns in female sheep

Lesions of kndy and kiss1r neurons in the arcuate nucleus produce different effects on lh pulse patterns in female sheep

Goodman RL, Moore AM, Onslow K, Hileman SM, Hardy SL, Bowdridge EC, Walters BA, Agus S, Griesgraber MJ, Aerts EG, Lehman MN, Coolen LM (2023) Lesions of kndy and kiss1r neurons in the arcuate nucleus produce different effects on lh pulse patterns in female sheep. Endocrinology 164(11):bqad148. doi: 10.1210/endocr/bqad148 PMID: 37776515

Objective: To test the functional role of ovine KNDy neurons in pulse generation and identify the roles of nearby Kiss1 receptor (Kiss1R)-containing cells.

Summary: Injection of NK3-SAP (NKB-SAP) ablated over 90% of the KNDy cells, Kiss-SAP lesioned about two-thirds of the Kiss1R population. This led to a significant decrease in LH pulse amplitude and altering LH pulse patterns. NK3-SAP increased the interpulse interval without affecting the regularity of LH pulses, whereas Kiss-SAP disrupted their regular hourly occurrence but not the interpulse interval. The findings suggest that KNDy neurons are critical for GnRH pulse generation in ewes, while ARC Kiss1R cells support the amplitude and regularity of these pulses, possibly as part of a positive feedback loop involving GABA or glutamate.

Usage: Saporin conjugates were injected into the arcuate nucleus. Kiss-SAP (kisspeptin54-SAP) was diluted to 700 ng/μL in PBS immediately before use. In preliminary work to test the effectiveness of Kiss-SAP, a single unilateral injection (1 μL of 700 ng/μL) of this conjugate was made in the preoptic area of 3 ewes. The contralateral side was used as control and either received no injections or Blank-SAP (1 μL of 700 ng/μL) (IT-21).

Related Products: NKB-SAP (Cat. #IT-63), Blank-SAP (Cat. #IT-21)

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