Read the 2016 newsletters and recent scientific references
2016, issue 1:
- Striatal patch compartment lesions reduce cocaine-induced repetitive behaviors / by KA Horner and collaborators R Murray and MC Logan Mercer / featuring Dermorphin-SAP (Cat. #IT-12)
- From the President: New Beginnings
- Targeting Talk: Safety of the Toxin
- Featured Products: Custom Conjugates
2016, issue 2:
- Cerebral cholinergic lesion reduces operant responses to unpleasant thermal stimuli / by RG Wiley / featuring 192 IgG-Saporin (Cat. #IT-01)
- From the President: A Sigh is (Not) Just a Sigh . . .
- Targeting Talk: Saporin Safety
- Featured Products: vGAT products, Stable Transfected Cell Lines
2016, issue 3:
- Targeted depletion of hematopoietic stem cells promises safer transplantation / by R Palchaudhuri / featuring Streptavidin-ZAP (Cat. #IT-27)
- From the President: What’s ZAP
- Targeting Talk: Streptavidin-ZAP Applications
- Featured Products: Orexin-B-SAP, Orexin Receptor Antibody Conjugates
2016, issue 4:
- Targeted lesioning reveals role of nucleus incertus in the anxiogenic effect of buspirone / by JR Kumar, R Rajkumar, LC Lee, GS Dawe / featuring CRF-SAP (Cat. #IT-13)
- From the President: Strategic Partners