
Targeting Tools: Somatostatin Receptor Targeting

Advanced Targeting Systems is pleased to announce the availability of polyclonal antibodies to somatostatin receptor (SSTr) sub-types 1 and 4. SSTr1 antiserum, Cat. #AB-N19 SSTr1 affinity-purified, Cat. #AB-N20AP SSTr4 affinity-purified, Cat. #AB-N21AP Antibody to SSTr1 SSTr1 is a 391 amino acid G-protein-coupled receptor that contains three glycosylation sites and that is expressed in several areas

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Cover Article: Cholinergic Deafferentation of the Entorhinal Cortex Impairs Working Memory for Novel, but not Familiar Stimuli in a Delayed Non-Match to Sample (DNMS) Task.

Contributed by ATS’s 2003 Society for Neuroscience Poster of the Year Award Winner:Dr. Jill McGaughy, Boston University, 64 Cummington St., Boston, MA 02215 Muscarinic cholinergic receptor activation in entorhinal cortex (EC) activates intrinsic depolarizing membrane currents, which cause self-sustained spiking activity in single neurons.[1] This effect may underlie delay activity and match-dependent activity changes in

Cover Article: Cholinergic Deafferentation of the Entorhinal Cortex Impairs Working Memory for Novel, but not Familiar Stimuli in a Delayed Non-Match to Sample (DNMS) Task. Read More »

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