Goat-ZAP [IT-36, KIT-36]

a tool to “piggyback” onto YOUR antibody via affinity-purified rabbit anti-goat IgG; targeting cells that recognize YOUR primary goat affinity-purified polyclonal antibody, eliminated via saporin

SKU: IT-36 Category: Quantity: Individual 25 ug, Individual 100 ug, Individual 250 ug, Individual 1 mg, Kit w/controls 25 ug, Kit w/controls 100 ug, Kit w/controls 250 ug, Kit (1 ab) w/controls & developing reagents, tests 1 ab, Kit (4 ab) w/controls & developing reagents, tests 4 abs, Kit (10 ab) w/controls & developing reagents, tests 10 abs | Antibody Type: affinity-purified | Host: rabbit | Reactivity: goat | Conjugate: saporin | Usage: eliminates cells, screen antibodies |

Goat-ZAP uses your primary goat affinity-purified polyclonal IgG antibody to target and eliminate cells that recognize your primary antibody. This secondary conjugate uses the secondary antibody (affinity-purified rabbit anti-goat IgG) to “piggyback” onto YOUR goat primary antibody. Goat-ZAP can be utilized for screening goat IgG antibodies for internalization and/or their suitability to make potent immunotoxins. When the in vitro results confirm the desired specificity, it is recommended that you order a custom conjugation of your antibody to saporin.

Goat-ZAP is a chemical conjugate of affinity-purified rabbit anti-goat IgG and the ribosome-inactivating protein, saporin. It uses your goat affinity-purified polyclonal antibody to target and eliminate cells. This secondary conjugate is used to evaluate the potential of a primary antibody to internalize.

Goat-ZAP is available individually (Cat. #IT-36) or as a kit (Cat. #KIT-36) which includes Goat-ZAPSaporin (Cat. #PR-01)Rabbit IgG-SAP (Cat. #IT-35) and reagents for developing a cytotoxicity assay.

Other ZAP Conjugates:

Need another ZAP Conjugate for your target? Check here for other species & targets including in vivo and in vitro options.

keywords: Goat Antibody, Goat Primary, Goat Polyclonal, Anti-Goat IgG, Goat IgG, IgG Primary, Screening, ADC, Antibody Drug Conjugate, in vitro, Secondary


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Evaluate Potential Targeting Molecules.

Kohls M (2006) Evaluate Potential Targeting Molecules. Nature Methods

Summary: Targeted toxins -- targeting agents conjugated to saporin -- are widely used to eliminate specific cell populations both in vitro and in vivo. For these molecules to be effective, it is vital that the targeting component of the conjugate specifically binds the cells of interest. A secondary conjugate, Streptavidin-ZAP, has been created by attaching the toxin saporin to streptavidin. The user can combine primary biotinylated material with Streptavidin-ZAP to quickly and economically screen potential targeting molecules for internalization and specificity. Once the appropriate targeting molecule is identified, a direct conjugation with saporin can be performed.

Related Products: Streptavidin-ZAP (Cat. #IT-27)

Read the article.

Saporin as a commercial reagent: its uses and unexpected impacts in the biological sciences-tools from the plant kingdom

Ancheta LR, Shramm PA, Bouajram R, Higgins D, Lappi DA (2022) Saporin as a commercial reagent: its uses and unexpected impacts in the biological sciences-tools from the plant kingdom. Toxins (Basel) 14(3):184. doi: 10.3390/toxins14030184

Read complete article.

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Saporin (Cat. #PR-01)

Rabbit IgG-SAP (Cat. #IT-35

Goat-pHast (Cat. #PH-07)

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Choosing the Correct Secondary Conjugate

Targeting Tools: Goat-ZAP

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ZAP Antibody Internalization Kit Introduction

ZAP Antibody Internalization Kit Tutorial

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ZAP Antibody Internalization Kit literature

Cytotoxicity Assay Protocol for ZAP Antibody Internalization Kits

Online Calculator: Preparing ZAP Antibody Kit Samples

Concentration Calculations: Convert molarity to mg/ml and mg/ml to molarity (PDF worksheet)

Preparing and Interpreting Cytotoxicity Data in vitro

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