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Interleukin-1 receptor-expressing cells in the arcuate hypothalamus mediate peripheral interleukin-1-induced hypophagia
Konsman J, Chaskiel L, Bristow A, Dantzer R (2014) Interleukin-1 receptor-expressing cells in the arcuate hypothalamus mediate peripheral interleukin-1-induced hypophagia. Neuroscience 2014 Abstracts 453.13. Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC.
Summary: Although the reduction in food intake observed in acute infectious and inflammatory diseases has been proposed to represent a regulated adaptive response, the underlying mechanisms remain incompletely understood. Our previous work has shown that the pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-1 (IL-1) can act in the brain to alter behavior during peripheral inflammation. The arcuate nucleus of the rat hypothalamus plays a pivotal role in the regulation of food intake and expresses the signaling interleukin-1 receptor (IL-1R1) (Ericsson et al., J. Comp. Neurol., 1995). However, lesioning of the neuropeptide Y(NPY)- and proopiomelancortin(POMC)-expressing neurons, the two major neuronal populations in the arcuate nucleus regulating food intake, does not attenuate the reduction of food intake after peripheral interleukin-1 administration (Reyes & Sawchenko, J. Neurosci., 2002). Besides neurons, venules and glia constitute the main nervous cell types expressing the signaling interleukin-1 receptor. Moreover, glial cells, and in particular tanycytes in the arcuate nucleus, have been proposed to play a role in the regulation of food intake (Bolborea & Dale, Trends Neurosci., 2013). In the present work, we set out ) to determine if IL1-R1-expressing cells in the hypothalamus mediate reduced food intake in response to peripheral IL-1 administration, and 2) if so, to identify the cell types involved. Cells expressing IL-1R1 were killed by infusion of IL-1 coupled to the intracellular toxin saporin (IL-1-SAP) into the arcuate hypothalamus. Control infusions consisted of uncoupled IL-1 and saporin and PBS. At least one week later rats were injected intraperitoneally with IL1. Intra-arcuate IL-1-SAP attenuated the reduction in food intake after peripheral administration of IL-1, indicating that arcuate cells mediate IL-1-induced hypophagia. Post mortem histochemical analyses of brain sections of the same animals revealed that intra-arcuate IL-1-SAP reduced the number of NPY-neurons, without affecting the number of POMC-neurons or the surface covered by tanycytes. Taken together, these findings indicate that IL-1R-bearing NPY neurons in the arcuate nucleus take part in the reduction of food intake after peripheral IL-1 administration and suggest that hypophagia observed in infectious and inflammatory diseases reflects, at least in part, a regulated response.
Related Products: Custom Conjugates
Efficient elimination of CD103-expressing cells by anti-CD103 antibody drug conjugates in immunocompetent mice.
Mang Y, Zhao Z, Zeng Z, Wu X, Li Z, Zhang L (2015) Efficient elimination of CD103-expressing cells by anti-CD103 antibody drug conjugates in immunocompetent mice. Int Immunopharmacol 24:119-127. doi: 10.1016/j.intimp.2014.11.004
Summary: Previous work has demonstrated that an M290-SAP custom conjugate promoted the long-term survival of pancreatic islet allografts by reducing the number of CD103+ cells. M290 is an antibody that targets CD103. Systemic use of the saporin conjugate can result in toxicity and bystander effects to the animal. In this work the authors used M290 conjugated to three different cytotoxic agents in order to avoid these bystander effects. The various reagents were compared in several assays, including internalization studies, flow cytometry, and cytotoxicity studies. The results indicate that the alternative cytotoxic drugs can be used systemically with M290 to eliminate CD103+ cells.
Related Products: Custom Conjugates
Eye-specific retinogeniculate segregation proceeds normally following disruption of patterned spontaneous retinal activity.
Speer C, Sun C, Liets L, Stafford B, Chapman B, Cheng H (2014) Eye-specific retinogeniculate segregation proceeds normally following disruption of patterned spontaneous retinal activity. Neural Dev 9:25. doi: 10.1186/1749-8104-9-25
Summary: The authors administered 0.88-1.66 μg of an Anti-VaChT-SAP custom conjugate to ferrets with an intraocular injection. Although the lesioned animals demonstrated normal eye-specific retinogeniculate development, there were significant abnormalities in spontaneous retinal activity. These differences in activity manifested themselves as eye-specific segregation defects.
Related Products: Custom Conjugates
Habenular kisspeptin modulates fear in the zebrafish.
Ogawa S, Nathan FM, Parhar IS (2014) Habenular kisspeptin modulates fear in the zebrafish. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 111(10):3841-3846. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1314184111
Summary: The peptide kisspeptin can be found in several areas of the brain, but its role in regions other than the hypothalamus has not been studied. Zebrafish express kiss1 mRNA which is a conserved ortholog of the mammalian KISSI/KissI making zebrafish a viable model for investigating the role of kisspeptin in various brain systems. Animals received 1 μg of the custom conjugate kiss-SAP (see NK3-SAP, Cat. #IT-63) via an intracranial injection. Blank-SAP (Cat. #IT-21) was used as a control. Reducing Kiss1 immunoreactivity in the habenula and the raphe reduced an invoked fear response, indicating a role for kisspeptin in fear inhibition.
Related Products: Blank-SAP (Cat. #IT-21), NKB-SAP (Cat. #IT-63), Custom Conjugates
Saporin conjugated monoclonal antibody to the transcobalamin receptor TCblR/320 is effective in targeting and destroying cancer cells.
Quadros EV, Nakayama Y, Sequeira JM (2013) Saporin conjugated monoclonal antibody to the transcobalamin receptor TCblR/320 is effective in targeting and destroying cancer cells. J Cancer Ther 4(6):1074-1081. doi: 10.4236/jct.2013.46122
Summary: Although the transcobalamin receptor (TCb1R) is expressed in most cell types, the expression levels are increased in actively proliferating cells, and decreased in quiescent cells. This expression profile makes the TCb1R an attractive target for cancer therapy. The authors used a custom conjugate of antibodies generated against the TCb1R and saporin to eliminate cancer cell lines in culture. When applying the conjugate to cells in a dosing range of 0.156-5 nM, 2.5 nM was found to have the optimal effect. Given that the level of toxicity was determined by the level of TCb1R expression, targeting the TCb1R may have potential as part of a cancer treatment strategy.
Related Products: Custom Conjugates
The cells and circuitry for itch responses in mice.
Mishra SK, Hoon MA (2013) The cells and circuitry for itch responses in mice. Science 340(6135):968-971. doi: 10.1126/science.1233765
Summary: Although previous work implicated neurons expressing the GRP (gastrin-releasing peptide) receptor were in the pruritic, or itch pathway, transgenic mice lacking natriuretic polypeptide b (Nppb) were almost completely insensitive to itch. Using the custom conjugate Nppb-SAP (Cat. #IT-69), the authors eliminated itch in response to a wide range of pruritic substances in normal mice through the administration of 5 μg of conjugate into the intrathecal space. Even after this lesion, the scratching response to intrathecal GRP was not changed, indicating that the role of GRP is at a later stage than previously hypothesized.
Related Products: Nppb-SAP (Cat. #IT-69)
Efficacy and toxicity of a CD22-targeted antibody-saporin conjugate in a xenograft model of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
Kato J, O’Donnell RT, Abuhay M, Tuscano JM (2012) Efficacy and toxicity of a CD22-targeted antibody-saporin conjugate in a xenograft model of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Oncoimmunology 1(9):1469-1475. doi: 10.4161/onci.21815
Summary: CD22 is a B-cell-specific antigen found on many B-cell malignancies. It is not expressed by stem cell precursors, and is rapidly internalized when bound by an antibody. In this work, the authors use a custom conjugate of anti-CD22 (mAb HB22.7) and saporin in a cytotoxicity assay on non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma cell lines, as well as in a mouse tumor model. The dosing for the tumor model was 1 mg conjugate per kg of animal. Mouse IgG-SAP (Cat. #IT-18) was used as a control. The results indicate that CD22 is a potential therapeutic target for cancer therapy.
Related Products: Mouse IgG-SAP (Cat. #IT-18), Custom Conjugates
Insights into the mechanism of cell death induced by saporin delivered into cancer cells by an antibody fusion protein targeting the transferrin receptor 1.
Daniels-Wells TR, Helguera G, Rodriguez JA, Leoh LS, Erb MA, Diamante G, Casero D, Pellegrini M, Martinez-Maza O, Penichet ML (2013) Insights into the mechanism of cell death induced by saporin delivered into cancer cells by an antibody fusion protein targeting the transferrin receptor 1. Toxicol In Vitro 27(1):220-231. doi: 10.1016/j.tiv.2012.10.006
Summary: The antibody-avidin fusion protein ch128.1Av has been shown to target the human transferrin receptor 1 (TfR1) and kill malignant B cells by blocking the use of iron. Combination of this construct with a mono-biotinylated saporin custom conjugate produces an iron-independent toxicity to TfR1-expressing cells, even those that are resistant to ch128.1Av alone. The saporin-containing conjugate induces a transcriptional response consistent with oxidative stress and DNA damage. The data also show that the saporin conjugate is not toxic to human hematopoeietic stem cells.
Usage: An antibody-avidin fusion protein (ch128.1Av) was mixed with MonoBiotin-ZAP to make an immunotoxin that targets the human transferrin receptor 1 (TfR1).
Related Products: MonoBiotin-ZAP (Cat. #BT-ZAP), Custom Conjugates
Neuromedin B serves a role in nociceptive signaling.
Mishra SK, Holzman S, Hoon MA (2012) Neuromedin B serves a role in nociceptive signaling. Neuroscience 2012 Abstracts 471.22. Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, LA.
Summary: We are interested in identifying new somatosensory signaling molecules and used an array based differential screen. In order to subtract genes not involved in signaling processes, we compared expression profiles in trigeminal ganglia (TG) with those of the geniculate ganglia (GG); a ganglia similar in structure but with different function. One gene we uncovered was neuromedin B (NMB), as expected from the differential expression, neuropeptide NMB is expressed in TG and dorsal root ganglia (DRG), but not in GG. Double labeling experiments, revealed NMB is expressed in a subset of sensory neurons that co[[unable to display character: ‐]]label with CGRP and TRPV1, suggestive of a role for NMB in nociception. Indeed, administration of NMB[[unable to display character: ‐]]antagonist greatly attenuates edema and nerve sensitization following stimulation of peripheral nerves with mustard oil, demonstrating that NMB contributes to neurogenic inflammation. Moreover, direct injection of NMB causes local swelling and nociceptive sensitization. Interestingly, we also found the receptor for NMB is expressed in interneurons in the superficial layers of the dorsal horn. We used NMB[[unable to display character: ‐]]saporin to specifically eliminate NMB-receptor expressing spinal cord cells and determined that they are required for responses to noxious heat, but not for reactions to mechanical and pruritic stimuli. Thus, NMB may be a neurotransmitter that is selectively involved in the perception of thermal stimuli, and has a role in neurogenic inflammation.
Related Products: Custom Conjugates
Efficacy of a CD22-targeted antibody-saporin conjugate in a xenograft model of precursor-B cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
Kato J, Satake N, O’Donnell RT, Abuhay M, Lewis C, Tuscano JM (2013) Efficacy of a CD22-targeted antibody-saporin conjugate in a xenograft model of precursor-B cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Leuk Res 37(1):83-88. doi: 10.1016/j.leukres.2012.09.010
Summary: Most cases of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) are of B-cell lineage. Although children with ALL have a high survival rate, there is a subset of children with a much lower survival rate, and long-term side effects from treatment are problematic. CD22 has been suggested as a therapeutic target because it is not present on hematopoietic stem cells, therefore allowing regeneration of normal B cells following depletion of malignant B cells. The authors used a custom conjugate of the antibody HB22.7 and saporin to demonstrate specific toxicity against pre-B ALL cell lines. Mouse IgG-SAP (Cat. #IT-18) was used as a control.
Related Products: Mouse IgG-SAP (Cat. #IT-18), Custom Conjugates