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  4. Oxytocin-conjugated saporin injected into the substantia nigra of male rats alters the activity of the nigrostriatal dopaminergic system: A behavioral and neurochemical study

Oxytocin-conjugated saporin injected into the substantia nigra of male rats alters the activity of the nigrostriatal dopaminergic system: A behavioral and neurochemical study

Sanna F, Bratzu J, Angioni L, Pina Sorighe M, Cocco C, Argiolas A, Melis MR (2021) Oxytocin-conjugated saporin injected into the substantia nigra of male rats alters the activity of the nigrostriatal dopaminergic system: A behavioral and neurochemical study. Brain Res 1773:147705. doi: 10.1016/j.brainres.2021.147705 PMID: 34744015

Objective: To investigate the effects of Oxytocin-SAP in the substantia nigra of male rats, and assess its impact on nigral Tyrosine Hydroxylase-immunoreactivity, dopamine content, locomotor activity, rotational turning, and striatal dopamine function.

Summary: Researchers investigated the effects of injecting oxytocin-conjugated Saporin into the substantia nigra of male rats. They found that this treatment led to changes in the activity of the nigrostriatal dopaminergic system, as evidenced by alterations in behavior and neurochemical markers associated with dopamine function.

Usage: Oxytocin-SAP (60 ng/μl and 120 ng/μl) was injected unilaterally into the substantia nigra of male rats, respectively, compared to Blank-SAP.

Related Products: Oxytocin-SAP (Cat. #IT-46), Blank-SAP (Cat. #IT-21)

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