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Corticolimbic stress regulatory circuits, hypothalamo–pituitary–adrenocortical adaptation, and resilience

Herman JP (2020) Corticolimbic stress regulatory circuits, hypothalamo–pituitary–adrenocortical adaptation, and resilience. Chen A (Ed.): Stress Resilience 291-309. Academic Press doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-813983-7.00019-7

Summary: Review. Immunolesion of paraventricular nucleus (PVN)-projecting norepinephrine (NE) neurons with Anti-DBH-SAP attenuates acute stress reactivity (interestingly, to restraint), but it does not inhibit somatic or HPA axis responses to stress in any simple way (Flak et al.). PVN-projecting NE neurons appear to be responsible for acute responses to systemic stressors, but they do not appear to be important in mediating effects of chronic stress (Ritter et al.).

Usage: Flak et al. injected 8.82 ng of Anti-DBH-SAP into the PVN. Ritter et al. injected 42 ng into the PVN.

Related Products: Anti-DBH-SAP (Cat. #IT-03)

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