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  4. Oxytocin influences male sexual activity via non-synaptic axonal release in the spinal cord.

Oxytocin influences male sexual activity via non-synaptic axonal release in the spinal cord.

Oti T, Satoh K, Uta D, Nagafuchi J, Tateishi S, Ueda R, Takanami K, Young LJ, Galione A, Morris JF, Sakamoto T, Sakamoto H (2021) Oxytocin influences male sexual activity via non-synaptic axonal release in the spinal cord. Curr Biol 31(1):103-114.e5. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2020.09.089

Summary: Oxytocin directly activates SEG (Spinal Ejaculation Generator)/GRP (Gastrin-Releasing Peptide) neurons via OXTRs (Oxytocin Receptors) and influences male sexual function in the rat lumbar spinal cord.

Usage: Oxytocin-SAP (4 or 40 ng) was infused slowly into the L3 and L4 spinal cord. Blank-SAP was used as control.

Related Products: Oxytocin-SAP (Cat. #IT-46), Blank-SAP (Cat. #IT-21)

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