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  4. Selective formation of covalent protein heterodimers with an unnatural amino acid.

Selective formation of covalent protein heterodimers with an unnatural amino acid.

Hutchins BM, Kazane SA, Staflin K, Forsyth JS, Felding-Habermann B, Smider VV, Schultz PG (2011) Selective formation of covalent protein heterodimers with an unnatural amino acid. Chem Biol 18(3):299-303. doi: 10.1016/j.chembiol.2011.01.006 PMID: 21439474

Summary: This work demonstrates the creation of a variety of constructs containing specific defined conjugation sites. One use for these molecules is to create homogenous antibody conjugates‚ meaning the properties of these conjugates can be quantitatively evaluated. Having greater control of such conjugations is essential if these types of constructs are to move toward use as therapeutics. The authors created an anti-Her2 Fab-saporin molecule and tested it in vitro. Analysis by western used anti-SAP-HRP (Cat. #AB-15-HRP) to detect the conjugated molecule.

Related Products: Saporin Goat Polyclonal, HRP-labeled (Cat. #AB-15HRP)

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