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  4. LncRNA AK094457 promotes AngII-mediated hypertension and endothelial dysfunction through suppressing of activation of PPARγ.

LncRNA AK094457 promotes AngII-mediated hypertension and endothelial dysfunction through suppressing of activation of PPARγ.

Zhuo X, Wu Y, Yang Y, Gao L, Qiao X, Chen T (2019) LncRNA AK094457 promotes AngII-mediated hypertension and endothelial dysfunction through suppressing of activation of PPARγ. Life Sci 233:116745. doi: 10.1016/j.lfs.2019.116745 PMID: 31404524

Objective: To find the functional lncRNAs associated with hypertension, high throughput lncRNA microarray were used to analyze expression profile of the lncRNAs in the aortic vascular endothelial cells of spontaneously hypertensive rats.

Summary: lncRNA AK094457 is identified as a key regulator in blood pressure and endothelial function, which can increase AngII-induced hypertension and endothelial dysfunction via suppression of PPARγ.

Usage: Western Blot (1:500), immunohistochemistry

Related Products: Angiotensin II receptor (AT-1R) Rabbit Polyclonal, affinity-purified (Cat. #AB-N27AP)

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