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  4. Cholinergic neural activity directs retinal layer-specific angiogenesis and blood retinal barrier formation.

Cholinergic neural activity directs retinal layer-specific angiogenesis and blood retinal barrier formation.

Weiner GA, Shah SH, Angelopoulos CM, Bartakova AB, Pulido RS, Murphy A, Nudleman E, Daneman R, Goldberg JL (2019) Cholinergic neural activity directs retinal layer-specific angiogenesis and blood retinal barrier formation. Nat Commun 10(1):2477. doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-10219-8

Objective: To determine which neurons are responsible for angiogenesis and blood retinal barrier formation.

Summary: Anti-ChAT-SAP reduces SAC (starburst amacrine cell) number and inhibits deep-layer angiogenesis.

Usage: Anti-ChAT-SAP or control Rabbit-IgG-SAP were injected intravitreally at P3 and P11 (0.12 mg/mL in PBS).

Related Products: Anti-ChAT-SAP (Cat. #IT-42), Rabbit IgG-SAP (Cat. #IT-35)

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