Author name: Kristen Hartman

Integrin α10-antibodies reduce glioblastoma tumor growth and cell migration

Masoumi KC, Huang X, Sime W, Mirkov A, Munksgaard Thorén M, Massoumi R, Lundgren-Åkerlund E (2021) Integrin α10-antibodies reduce glioblastoma tumor growth and cell migration. Cancers (Basel) 13(5):1184. doi: 10.3390/cancers13051184 Summary: The authors investigated the treatment effect of two antibodies that have been developed to target the protein integrin 10, which is present on the […]

Integrin α10-antibodies reduce glioblastoma tumor growth and cell migration Read More »

Reciprocal interactions between osteoclasts and nociceptive sensory neurons in bone cancer pain

Andriessen AS, Donnelly CR, Ji RR (2021) Reciprocal interactions between osteoclasts and nociceptive sensory neurons in bone cancer pain. Pain Rep 6(1):e867. doi: 10.1097/PR9.0000000000000867 Summary: Current pharmacotherapies available for bone cancer pain are insufficient to provide safe and efficacious pain relief. The authors discuss the mechanisms used by cancer cells within the bone tumor microenvironment

Reciprocal interactions between osteoclasts and nociceptive sensory neurons in bone cancer pain Read More »

Neuroimmune interactions and osteoarthritis pain: focus on macrophages

Geraghty T, Winter DR, Miller RJ, Miller RE, Malfait AM (2021) Neuroimmune interactions and osteoarthritis pain: focus on macrophages. Pain Rep 6(1):e892. doi: 10.1097/PR9.0000000000000892 Summary: The contribution of macrophages to osteoarthritis (OA) joint damage has garnered much attention in recent years. The authors discuss how macrophages participate in the initiation and maintenance of pain in

Neuroimmune interactions and osteoarthritis pain: focus on macrophages Read More »

A tumor microenvironment (TME)-responsive nanoplatform for systemic saporin delivery and effective breast cancer therapy

Shen Q, Xu L, Li R, Wu G, Li S, Saw PE, Zhou Y, Xu X (2021) A tumor microenvironment (TME)-responsive nanoplatform for systemic saporin delivery and effective breast cancer therapy. Chem Commun (Camb) 57(20):2563-2566. doi: 10.1039/d0cc07808e Summary: This publication describes the development of a robust nanoplatform made with a TME-pH responsive Meo-PEG-b-PPMEMA polymer and

A tumor microenvironment (TME)-responsive nanoplatform for systemic saporin delivery and effective breast cancer therapy Read More »

Fndc5 knockdown significantly decreased the expression of neurotrophins and their respective receptors during neural differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells

Ebadi R, Rabiee F, Kordi-Tamandani D, Nasr-Esfahani MH, Ghaedi K (2021) Fndc5 knockdown significantly decreased the expression of neurotrophins and their respective receptors during neural differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells. Hum Cell 34(3):847-861. doi: 10.1007/s13577-021-00517-z PMID: 33683654 Objective: To evaluate whether knockdown of Fibronectin type III domain-containing-5 (Fndc5) decreases neural differentiation of mouse embryonic

Fndc5 knockdown significantly decreased the expression of neurotrophins and their respective receptors during neural differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells Read More »

Saporin, a polynucleotide-adenosine nucleosidase, may be an efficacious therapeutic agent for SARS-CoV-2 infection

Arslan I, Akgul H, Kara M (2021) Saporin, a polynucleotide-adenosine nucleosidase, may be an efficacious therapeutic agent for SARS-CoV-2 infection. SLAS Discov 26(3):330-335. doi: 10.1177/2472555220970911 Related Products: Saporin (Cat. #PR-01)

Saporin, a polynucleotide-adenosine nucleosidase, may be an efficacious therapeutic agent for SARS-CoV-2 infection Read More »

Intact vagal gut-brain signalling prevents hyperphagia and excessive weight gain in response to high-fat high-sugar diet.

McDougle M, Quinn D, Diepenbroek C, Singh A, de la Serre C, de Lartigue G (2021) Intact vagal gut-brain signalling prevents hyperphagia and excessive weight gain in response to high-fat high-sugar diet. Acta Physiol (Oxf) 231(3):e13530. doi: 10.1111/apha.13530 Objective: To assess the function of the vagus nerve lack specificity. Summary: Intact sensory vagal neurons prevent

Intact vagal gut-brain signalling prevents hyperphagia and excessive weight gain in response to high-fat high-sugar diet. Read More »

Minocycline in neurodegenerative and psychiatric diseases: An update.

Romero-Miguel D, Lamanna-Rama N, Casquero-Veiga M, Gómez-Rangel V, Desco M, Soto-Montenegro ML (2021) Minocycline in neurodegenerative and psychiatric diseases: An update. Eur J Neurol 28(3):1056-1081. doi: 10.1111/ene.14642 Summary: Review includes the mouse animal model of neurodegenerative disease using mu p75-SAP. Biological Effects: Attenuation of cholinergic neurons loss, glial activation and transcription of pro-inflammatory mediators. Usage: 45

Minocycline in neurodegenerative and psychiatric diseases: An update. Read More »

P75 and S100 gene expression induced by cell-imprinted substrate and beta-carotene to nerve tissue engineering

Dadashkhan S, Irani S, Bonakdar S, Ghalandari B (2021) P75 and S100 gene expression induced by cell-imprinted substrate and beta-carotene to nerve tissue engineering. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 138(26):50624. doi: 10.1002/app.50624 Objective: Aim to differentiate adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) to Schwann cells (SCs), as one of the major cell sources in nerve regeneration. Summary:

P75 and S100 gene expression induced by cell-imprinted substrate and beta-carotene to nerve tissue engineering Read More »

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