
CD25 Rat Monoclonal, Alexa488 labeled [AB-19-FLA]


SKU: AB-19-FLA Categories: , Quantity: 50 ug | Antibody Type: Monoclonal | Host: rat | Reactivity: mouse | Conjugate: Alexa488 | Usage: flow cytometry, immunoprecipitation, proliferation inhibition |

Interleukin-2 receptors are located on the surface of T-cells and function in clonal expansion of the activated T-cell. The monoclonal CD-25 antibody inhibits the proliferation of Interleukin-2 (CD25)-dependent murine cell lines. It blocks the murine T-cell receptor for IL-2 by binding to the alpha-chain of IL-2 receptors. This antibody has also been shown to inhibit IL-2 binding to both low and high affinity IL-2 receptors.

This antibody recognizes the murine interleukin-2 (CD25) receptor. Cultured mouse B6.1 cytotoxic T-cells were used as immunogen. It has been conjugated to the fluorescent dye Alexa488. This antibody was produced in tissue culture supernatants.

Applications include proliferation inhibition, flow cytometry, and immunoprecipitation.

CD25 Products:

CD25 Mouse Monoclonal (Cat. #AB-18) | biotin-labeled (Cat. #AB-18-BT) | Alexa488-labeled (Cat. #AB-18-FLA)

CD25 Rat Monoclonal (Cat. #AB-19) | biotin-labeled (Cat. #AB-19-BT) | Alexa488-labeled (Cat. #AB-19-FLA)

Targeted Toxins: Anti-CD25-SAP human (Cat. #IT-24) | Anti-CD25-SAP mouse (Cat. #IT-29)

keywords: CD25, Anti-CD25, Tac, IL-2, interleukin-2, T-cell, fluorescent, Alexa488


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