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Genetic dissection of neural circuitry underlying REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD)
Wood DA, Patterson N, Fuller P, Sherman D, Saper C, Lu J (2007) Genetic dissection of neural circuitry underlying REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD). Neuroscience 2007 Abstracts 736.28/VV11. Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA.
Summary: REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD), a parasomnia typically manifested as dream enactment behavior, may represent an early pathophysiologic manifestation of Lewy body diseases (LBD), such as Parkinson disease and dementia with Lewy bodies. Preclinical investigation of possible underlying neural mechanisms of RBD suggests that a set of glutamatergic neurons located in the sublaterodorsal nucleus (SLD), which project to GABA/glycine interneurons in the ventral horn are responsible for atonia during REM sleep (Lu et al. 2006, A putative flip-flop switch for control of REM sleep, Nature 441, 589-94). Based upon these findings, we hypothesize that a loss of glutamate from these neurons in the SLD produces REM sleep without atonia, an animal equivalent of RBD. To assess this question, we selectively eliminated glutamate release from SLD by injecting adeno-associated virus-Cre recombinase (AAV-Cre) into the SLD of mice with lox P sites flanking exon 2 of the vesicular glutamate transporter 2 (VGLUT2) gene. In addition, we examined the role of the ventromedial medulla (VMM) in REM atonia by injecting orexin-saporin in rats and AAV-Cre into flox-VGAT (vesicular GABA/glycine transporter) and flox-VGLUT2 mice. Consistent with our hypothesis, these data show that loss of the VGLUT2 gene in the SLD produces REM sleep without atonia (walking, running and myoclonic jerking) without alteration of total amount of REM sleep. Furthermore, loss of the VGLUT2 but not the VGAT gene in the intermediate VMM results in myoclonic jerking against the background of tonic atonia during REM sleep. Based upon these observations, we propose that suppression of muscle activity during REM sleep is controlled by the activation of excitatory glutamatergic projections from the SLD (with collaterals targeting the intermediate VMM) and from the intermediate VMM, which terminate at inhibitory interneurons in the spinal cord. Collectively, this work provides novel insight into the control of muscle tone during REM sleep, which may have implications for our understanding of neurological conditions that precede the onset of neurodegenerative disease.
Related Products: Orexin-B-SAP (Cat. #IT-20)
Locus coeruleus (LC) is involved in sustaining arousal
Gompf HS, Fuller PM, Saper CB, Lu J (2007) Locus coeruleus (LC) is involved in sustaining arousal. Neuroscience 2007 Abstracts 736.3/UU16. Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA.
Summary: The locus coeruleus (LC) has traditionally been thought to be involved in arousal; however, lesions of the LC have minimal effects on basal sleep-wake behavior. We propose that the LC instead may be required to sustain arousal under conditions of environmental challenge. To test this hypothesis, we intraventricularly injected saline, or 0.25, 0.5, or 1µg anti-DBH-saporin (DBH-SAP selectively lesions the LC), and implanted EEG/EMG electrodes. On recording days, each animal was paired with a normal rat (social interaction) and presented with novel objects every hour for 5 hours from ZT 6 to ZT 11. We then repeated the same experiment for 2.5 hrs and immunostained tissue for Fos and TH or Fos and DBH. We also repeated the same experiment in rats with unilateral LC lesion by 6-OHDA. During 5 hr of stimulation with novel objects and social interaction (distracting stimuli, DS), controls or partial LC lesioned animals (0.25 µg DBH-SAP) spent 83 ± 8% and 92 ± 4% awake respectively (n = 3 and 4, p = 0.4) whereas animals with complete LC lesions (0.5 and 1 µg) spent significantly less time in wakefulness (59 ± 4% and 66 ± 5% respectively, n = 3 and 4, p = 0.0005). The reduction of wakefulness occurred primarily during the second 30 mins of each hour. Following DS exposure, Fos was highly expressed in the cerebral cortex in both LC lesioned groups and controls. Furthermore, we found a correlation (R2 = 0.79) between the remaining LC neurons and wakefulness under DS. Rats with loss of one LC showed no changes in wakefulness, and Fos was highly and symmetrically induced in the cerebral cortex. Our results suggest that the LC is specifically involved in sustaining arousal.
Related Products: Anti-DBH-SAP (Cat. #IT-03)
Organization of food protection behavior is differentially influenced by hippocampal and cortical cholinergic deafferentation
Martin MM, Carter LA, Jones JL, Winter SS, Wallace DG (2007) Organization of food protection behavior is differentially influenced by hippocampal and cortical cholinergic deafferentation. Neuroscience 2007 Abstracts 742.6/AAA9. Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA.
Summary: Previous work has suggested that rats use temporal information to organize their food protection behaviors. Studies have demonstrated different roles for hippocampal and cortical cholinergic function in processing of temporal information in standard interval timing procedures. The present study examined the role of hippocampal and cortical cholinergic function on the organization of food protection behavior. Long Evans female rats received either injections of 192 IgG-Saporin (SAP) or saline (SHAM) into the medial septum (MS) or nucleus basalis (NB). Subsequent to recovery, rats were placed into an enclosure and provided a hazelnut in the presence of an unoperated conspecific. All rats engaged in dodging or bracing behaviors to prevent the theft of the hazelnut. During a dodge, the rat places the food item in its mouth to use both fore- and hind-limbs to escape the approaching conspecific. In contrast, during a brace, the rat’s forelimbs maintain contact with the food item, and only the hind limbs are used to make shorter lateral movements. Only rats receiving sham lesions displayed a consistent transition from primarily engaging in dodging behavior to primarily engaging in bracing behavior during the consumption of the hazelnut. The MS SAP group displayed a disruption in their temporal organization of food protection behaviors. Although the NB SAP animals displayed impaired responding to the approaching conspecific (resulting in frequent thefts), their food protection behaviors tended to exhibit temporal organization. These results provide further evidence as to the role of the basal forebrain cholinergic system in temporal organization of behavior.
Related Products: 192-IgG-SAP (Cat. #IT-01)
Destruction of NPY receptor expressing neurons in the arcuate nucleus causes obesity and hyperphagia without increasing lateral hypothalamic orexigenic peptide gene expression
Li A-J, Dinh TT, Ritter S (2007) Destruction of NPY receptor expressing neurons in the arcuate nucleus causes obesity and hyperphagia without increasing lateral hypothalamic orexigenic peptide gene expression. Neuroscience 2007 Abstracts 524.20/BBB20. Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA.
Summary: NPY-SAP, a conjugate of neuropeptide Y (NPY) and the ribosomal inactivating toxin, saporin (SAP), is a compound that selectively lesions NPY receptor-expressing neurons. Previously we showed that injection of NPY-SAP into the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus (ARC) induces hyperphagia and obesity in rats. To further investigate the mechanisms responsible for NPY-SAP-induced obesity, we injected NPY-SAP or blank-saporin (B-SAP) control into the ARC and subsequently examined the expression of two orexigenic neuropeptide genes in the lateral hypothalamic area (LHA), which is densely innervated by ARC neurons. Our hypothesis was that loss of leptin-sensitive neurons in the ARC in the NPY-SAP injected rats would lead to increased expression of orexigenic neurons elsewhere in the hypothalamic feeding circuitry. Body weight gain and food intake were dramatically increased in the NPY-SAP group. In addition, expression of NPY and cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART) mRNA was significantly reduced in the ARC of obese rats, indicating a loss of NPY receptor-expressing NPY and CART neurons in this region. In contrast, NPY and CART gene expression in the dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus was unchanged in NPY-SAP rats, indicating that the NPY-SAP-induced lesion was limited to the ARC. However, contrary to our hypothesis, expression of the orexigenic neuronpeptides, melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) or prepro-orexin mRNA in LHA was not enhanced, but was slightly reduced in the NPY-SAP rats. These results indicate that an enhancement of MCH or orexin expression in the LHA is not necessary for the hyperphagia and obesity observed after NPY-SAP lesions in the ARC. Supported by PHS grant #DK 40498.
Related Products: NPY-SAP (Cat. #IT-28), Blank-SAP (Cat. #IT-21)
Molecular basis of violent behavior: The role of NK1 receptors
Haller J, Toth M, Zelena D, Halasz J (2007) Molecular basis of violent behavior: The role of NK1 receptors. Neuroscience 2007 Abstracts 531.22/GGG24. Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA.
Summary: Background. Neurons expressing Neurokinin1 receptor (NK1 or Substance P receptor) are abundant in limbic areas crucial for different emotional behaviors. In recent years, NK1 receptor blockers were proposed for the treatment of anxiety and depression. Moreover, in two different laboratory models, NK1 receptor blockade was successfully used to decrease violent components of aggression related behaviors in Wistar rats (Biol. Psychiatry, 2007, in press). In the above study, the NK1 receptor blockade reduced the number of more violent hard bites, while the number of soft bites was unaltered. Aggressive encounters were accompanied by a marked activation of neurons expressing NK1 receptors in the medial amygdala and in the hypothalamic attack area, where the highest number and proportion of activated NK1 positive neurons were found. Aim / Methods. We evaluated the precise role of neurons expressing NK1 receptors in the hypothalamic attack area during resident/intruder test. These neurons were selectively eliminated by a Substance P conjugated saporin bilateral microinjection into the hypothalamic attack area. After a week recovery, lesioned and vehicle treated control residents were faced with a smaller untreated opponent in their home cages for 20 min. The brains of the residents were later removed to assess the site of injection and the extent of the lesion. Results. In lesioned Wistars, the bilateral microinjection resulted in a complete and selective disruption of NK1 positive neurons in the hypothalamic attack area. Compared to vehicle injected controls, the number of hard bites toward unfamiliar residents showed a marked decrease (almost a complete abolition) in the lesioned group. The latency of hard bites was significantly increased compared to vehicle injected controls. The number of bite attacks was also reduced, but this reduction was mainly secondary to the dramatic reduction in the number of hard bites. Conclusions. Our data show that hypothalamic neurons expressing NK1 receptors are involved in the control of aggressiveness, especially in the expression of violent attacks. These data confirm and support earlier results that NK1 antagonists – beyond anxiety and depression – may also be useful in the treatment of aggressiveness and violence.
Related Products: SP-SAP (Cat. #IT-07)
Intact delayed nonmatching-to-sample in monkeys with combined lesions of the temporal cortical cholinergic system and the fornix
Gaffan D, Baxter MG, Browning PGF (2007) Intact delayed nonmatching-to-sample in monkeys with combined lesions of the temporal cortical cholinergic system and the fornix. Neuroscience 2007 Abstracts 341.11. Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA.
Summary: Rhesus monkeys were pre-operatively trained in truly trial-unique delayed nonmatching-to-sample (DNMS) in an automated apparatus. They were then divided into a control group (n=3) and an experimental group (n=3) and received injections into the inferior temporal cortex of either saline (controls) or the selective cholinergic immunotoxin ME20.4-saporin (experimentals). A postoperative DNMS test showed no significant impairment in the experimental group, both groups performing at their pre-operative level. Both groups then underwent a second surgery to transect the fornix. Again, there was no significant impairment in DNMS, both groups performing at their pre-operative level. If the lesions are confirmed histologically then these results are in marked contrast to our findings with scene learning, in which monkeys with the same combined lesion as those in the present experimental group were severely impaired. However, a number of recent studies have shown that tasks with temporally complex events extended over trials, like DNMS, discrimination learning set, and serial reversal set, depend on a short-term prospective memory strategy that is supported by the interaction of temporal cortex with prefrontal cortex. Thus, the performance of DNMS does not require the laying down of new long-term memories.
Related Products: ME20.4-SAP (Cat. #IT-15)
Severe visual learning impairments in monkeys with combined but not separate lesions of the temporal cortical cholinergic system and the fornix
Browning PG, Gaffan D, Baxter MG (2007) Severe visual learning impairments in monkeys with combined but not separate lesions of the temporal cortical cholinergic system and the fornix. Neuroscience 2007 Abstracts 341.7. Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA.
Summary: A dense amnesia can be produced in the monkey by sectioning the anterior temporal stem, amygdala and fornix, a procedure which deafferents temporal cortex from modulatory inputs from the midbrain and basal forebrain. The present experiment investigated the neurochemical specificity of these severe learning impairments by selectively destroying cholinergic projections to the entire inferior temporal cortex by making multiple injections of the immunotoxin ME20.4-saporin into the inferior temporal cortex bilaterally. Six male macaque monkeys were preoperatively trained to learn new object-in-place discrimination problems each day until they could rapidly learn many such problems within a testing session. The monkeys then underwent surgery and received either injections of immunotoxin (n=3) or injections of saline (n=3). Both groups of monkeys were unimpaired when postoperative and preoperative performance were compared. Each monkey then underwent a second surgery to transect the fornix. After this surgery monkeys who had previously received injections of immunotoxin into temporal cortex showed a severe learning impairment, whereas monkeys who had previously received injections of saline showed a mild impairment. Monkeys with the combined immunotoxin plus fornix lesion were also severely impaired at concurrent object discrimination learning. These results suggest that different neuromodulatory inputs to inferior temporal cortex may act in concert to support cortical plasticity in visual learning such that the loss of acetylcholine only is not sufficient to disrupt normal learning behavior. The results also suggest that in monkeys, as in humans with Alzheimer’s disease, severe memory impairments occur only when a loss of acetylcholine projections to cortex is accompanied by organic tissue damage.
Related Products: ME20.4-SAP (Cat. #IT-15)
Cholinergic depletion of prefrontal cortex does not impair episodic memory or strategy implementation in rhesus monkeys
Baxter MG, Kyriazis DA, Croxson PL (2007) Cholinergic depletion of prefrontal cortex does not impair episodic memory or strategy implementation in rhesus monkeys. Neuroscience 2007 Abstracts 341.9. Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA.
Summary: The prefrontal cortex is involved in regulating multiple aspects of memory, decision-making, and cognitive control. Cholinergic input to prefrontal cortex is thought to be involved in supporting its functions. To examine this hypothesis we tested 4 rhesus monkeys (3 male) with cholinergic depletion of ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (N=2) or the entire prefrontal cortex, excluding its medial aspect (N=2). Selective cholinergic depletion was produced by multiple injections of the immunotoxin ME20.4-saporin (0.02 ug/ul) into the prefrontal cortex. These monkeys were tested on two tasks that each require frontal-inferotemporal interaction, as well as an intact ventrolateral prefrontal cortex. The first, strategy implementation, requires monkeys to apply different choice strategies to different categories of objects in order to maximize the rate of reward delivery, and engages decision-making and cognitive control. The second, scene memory, is a test of episodic memory in which monkeys rapidly learn 20 new object-in-place scene discrimination problems within a single test session. Cholinergic depletions of prefrontal cortex, whether they were limited to ventrolateral prefrontal cortex or included the whole of lateral and orbital prefrontal cortex, were without effect on either strategy implementation or new scene learning relative to each monkey’s preoperative performance. Thus, episodic memory and strategy implementation can proceed normally even with severely disrupted cholinergic input, so loss of cholinergic input on its own cannot explain impaired prefrontal function in conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease. Acetylcholine may work in tandem with other neuromodulators to affect prefrontal cortex function; alternatively, it may only be involved in very specific aspects of cortical function, for example representational plasticity.
Related Products: ME20.4-SAP (Cat. #IT-15)
Vestibular activation stimulates cholinergic system in the hippocampus
Tai S, Ma J, Leung L (2007) Vestibular activation stimulates cholinergic system in the hippocampus. Neuroscience 2007 Abstracts 399.21/OO13. Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA.
Summary: The vestibular system has been suggested to participate in spatial navigation, a function ascribed to the hippocampus. We examined the mechanisms that induced hippocampal theta, a 4-10 Hz rhythm in the electroencephalogram (EEG), during vestibular activation in rats. Freely behaving rats were rotated at various speeds, on a vertical axis, in the light or dark. Hippocampal EEGs were recorded by implanted electrodes in hippocampal CA1, and analyzed by spectral analysis. A clear hippocampal theta rhythm was induced during immobility by rotations at different speeds (20-70 rpm). The rotation-induced theta was abolished, in light and dark settings, by muscarinic cholinergic receptor antagonist atropine sulfate (50 mg/kg i.p.) but not by atropine methyl nitrate (50 mg/kg i.p.), which did not pass the blood-brain barrier. Rotation-induced theta was attenuated in rats in which the cholinergic neurons in the medial septum (MS) were lesioned by 192 IgG-saporin (0.14 µg/0.4 µl infused bilaterally into the MS 10-20 days prior to the experiments). Cholinergic lesion in the MS was confirmed by a depletion of MS neurons that stained positively for choline acetyltransferase and an absence of acetylcholinesterase histochemical staining in the hippocampus. Bilateral lesion of the vestibular receptors (by 0.1 ml intratympanic injection of 300 mg/ml sodium arsanilate) also attenuated the rotation-induced theta rhythm. Vestibular lesion was confirmed by the contact righting test where lesioned rats will “walk” upside down on a Plexiglas sheet placed in contact with the soles of the feet while intact rats will right themselves immediately. In summary, an atropine-sensitive hippocampal theta is activated by septohippocampal cholinergic neurons which are in turn activated by vestibular stimulation. Vestibular-activated septohippocampal cholinergic activity is likely an important component of spatial navigation.
Related Products: 192-IgG-SAP (Cat. #IT-01)
Effects of spatial cueing on visual discrimination performance of rats following loss of basal forebrain corticopetal cholinergic neurons
Burk JA, Altemose KE, Lowder MW (2007) Effects of spatial cueing on visual discrimination performance of rats following loss of basal forebrain corticopetal cholinergic neurons. Neuroscience 2007 Abstracts 424.4/HHH3. Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA.
Summary: Basal forebrain corticopetal cholinergic neurons are necessary for normal attentional performance. However, the exact attentional task parameters that are sufficient for inducing deficits following loss of basal forebrain corticopetal cholinergic neurons remain unclear. In Experiment 1, rats were trained to perform a spatially cued visual discrimination task (press a lever under an illuminated panel light) with explicit attentional demands removed. Animals then received infusions of the cholinergic immunotoxin, 192IgG-saporin, or saline into the basal forebrain. All animals were then tested in the same task trained before surgery and then task parameters, including the duration of visual signals and the inter-trial interval, were manipulated in order to tax attentional processing. Lesioned animals exhibited an initial increase in response latencies immediately following surgery but this deficit was not observed when task demands were increased. When the task was modified to remove spatial cueing, by presenting visual signals or no signal from a centrally-located panel light, lesioned animals exhibited an increase in lever press latencies compared to sham-lesioned animals. In Experiment 2, rats were trained in a visual discrimination task that, within each session, had blocks of trials with or without spatial cueing, using procedures similar to Experiment 1. After receiving intra-basalis infusions of 192IgG-saporin or saline, animals were tested for 12 sessions in the same task trained before surgery followed by one session in which the inter-trial interval was decreased. Lesioned animals did not exhibit deficits immediately following surgery, but did show elevated lever press latencies compared to sham-lesioned animals when the inter-trial interval was decreased. There was a trend for this lesioned-induced deficit to be more pronounced when spatial cues were not present. These experiments indicate that cortical acetylcholine is critical for maintaining normal visual discrimination performance when spatial cueing is not available. We speculate that, under conditions in which spatial cueing is unavailable, the lesion-induced increased lever press latencies reflect a disruption in recalling rules for an appropriate response.
Related Products: 192-IgG-SAP (Cat. #IT-01)