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  4. Contribution of the retrotrapezoid nucleus and carotid bodies to hypercapnia- and hypoxia-induced arousal from sleep.

Contribution of the retrotrapezoid nucleus and carotid bodies to hypercapnia- and hypoxia-induced arousal from sleep.

Souza GMPR, Stornetta RL, Stornetta DS, Abbott SBG, Guyenet PG (2019) Contribution of the retrotrapezoid nucleus and carotid bodies to hypercapnia- and hypoxia-induced arousal from sleep. J Neurosci 39(49):9725-9737. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1268-19.2019

Objective: To examine the contribution of two lower brainstem nuclei that could be implicated in CO2 and hypoxia-induced arousal.

Summary: RTN, a brainstem nucleus that mediates the effect of brain acidification on breathing, also contributes to arousal elicited by CO2 but not hypoxia.

Usage: To ablate the retrotrapezoid nucleus (RTN), SSP-SAP was administered (2.4 ng) through bilateral injections via a dorsal craniotomy.

Related Products: SSP-SAP (Cat. #IT-11)

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