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  4. Nitric oxide donor molsidomine promotes retrieval of object recognition memory in a model of cognitive deficit induced by 192 IgG-saporin.

Nitric oxide donor molsidomine promotes retrieval of object recognition memory in a model of cognitive deficit induced by 192 IgG-saporin.

Hernández-Melesio MA, Alcaraz-Zubeldia M, Jiménez-Capdeville ME, Martínez-Lazcano JC, Santoyo-Pérez ME, Quevedo-Corona L, Gerónimo-Olvera C, Sánchez-Mendoza A, Ríos C, Pérez-Severiano F (2019) Nitric oxide donor molsidomine promotes retrieval of object recognition memory in a model of cognitive deficit induced by 192 IgG-saporin. Behav Brain Res 366:108-117. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2019.03.031

Objective: To analyze the potential of a NO donor (molsidomine, MOLS) to prevent the recognition memory deficits resulting from the septal cholinergic denervation by 192-IgG-SAP in rats.

Summary: Results showed that 192-IgG-SAP reduced the immunoreactivity of cholinergic septal neurons (41%), compared with PBS-receiving control rats (p < 0.05).

Usage: The injection reached the medial septum (MS) structure with 192-IgG-SAP diluted in PBS solution (0.22 μg in 1μl) or PBS as control, both at 0.25 μl/min, allowing diffusion for 3 min, AP+0.6, L 0.0, V−7.0 from Bregma.

Related Products: 192-IgG-SAP (Cat. #IT-01)

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