Nord C, Jones I, Garcia-Maestre M, Hägglund AC, Carlsson L (2024) Reduced mTORC1-signaling in progenitor cells leads to retinal lamination deficits. Dev Dyn doi: 10.1002/dvdy.707 PMID: 38546215
Objective: To demonstrate that mTORC1 mediates critical roles during neuronal lamination using the mouse retina as a model system.
Summary: This study establishes a critical role for mTORC1-signaling during retinal lamination and demonstrates that this pathway regulates diverse developmental mechanisms involved in driving the stratified arrangement of neurons during CNS development.
Usage: Immunohistochemistry (AB-N38) (1:1000).
Related Products: Melanopsin Rabbit Polyclonal (Cat. #AB-N38)