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Immunomodulatory impact of memory T lymphocyties in periodontitis

de Paula FS (2023) Immunomodulatory impact of memory T lymphocyties in periodontitis. Univ Minnesota Thesis.

Objective: This thesis paper sought to determine whether local reactivation of oral tissue resident memory cells (TRM) of a defined antigen specificity could exacerbate ligature-induced periodontal (LIP), a model for periodontal disease in mice.

Summary: Reactivation of oral TRM aggravated alveolar bone loss and amplified gingival and cervical lymph node (cLN) inflammation. Furthermore, oral TRM reactivation enhanced transcriptional changes in pro-inflammatory and periodontitis-related genes. Therapeutic depletion of CD103-expressing oral TRM in advanced of LIP mitigated alveolar bone loss and associated gingiva and cLN inflammation. The study provides evidence that local reactivation of oral TRM can potentiate periodontitis.

Usage: Anti-CD103-SAP (IT-50) was administered in mice via i.p. injection (7 ug in PBS).

Related Products: Anti-CD103-SAP (Cat. #IT-50)

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