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  4. Neuromedin B-expressing neurons in the retrotrapezoid nucleus regulate respiratory homeostasis and promote stable breathing in adult mice

Neuromedin B-expressing neurons in the retrotrapezoid nucleus regulate respiratory homeostasis and promote stable breathing in adult mice

Souza GMPR, Stornetta DS, Shi Y, Lim E, Berry FE, Bayliss DA, Abbott SBG (2023) Neuromedin B-expressing neurons in the retrotrapezoid nucleus regulate respiratory homeostasis and promote stable breathing in adult mice. J Neurosci JN-RM-0386-23. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0386-23.2023 PMID: 37290937

Objective: To develop a transgenic mouse model and demonstrate that retrotrapezoid nucleus (RTN) neurons are fundamental for respiratory homeostasis and mediate the stimulatory effects of CO2 on breathing.

Summary: This study uses a transgenic Nmb-Cre mouse model to demonstrate that RTNNmb neurons are crucial for CO2-dependent breathing in mice. It provides evidence that these neurons play a key role in respiratory homeostasis and might be linked to sleep-disordered breathing in humans. Cre-dependent cell ablation and optogenetics show RTNNmb neurons’ essential function in mediating the hypercapnic ventilatory response, highlighting the importance of these neurons in maintaining eupneic breathing.

Usage: This publication references the use of SSP-SAP (IT-11) to target RTN neurons.

Related Products: SSP-SAP (Cat. #IT-11)

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