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The VLM a1/c1 ca/npy neuronal projections to the perifornical area of the lateral hypothalamus and its functional role in glucoprivic feeding

Choi P (2023) The VLM a1/c1 ca/npy neuronal projections to the perifornical area of the lateral hypothalamus and its functional role in glucoprivic feeding. Washington State Univ Thesis.

Objective: This dissertation aimed to determine the role of neuropeptide Y (NPY) receptor signaling from the ventrolateral medulla (VLM) catecholamine (CA) neurons in the lateral hypothalamus (LHA) for glucoprivic feeding.

Summary: The results showed that NPY receptor-expressing neurons in the perifornical area of the LHA are required for glucoprivic feeding evoked by 2-deoxyglucose. Furthermore, antagonism of NPY Y1 or Y2 receptors in the LHA attenuated feeding evoked by chemogenetic activation of VLM CA neurons, indicating NPY release from VLM neurons activates LHA NPY receptors to elicit glucoprivic feeding.

Usage: NPY-SAP (50 ng per 100 nL/site) or control Blank-SAP (50 ng per 100 nL/site) dissolved in 0.01 M phosphate buffer was infused slowly over a 5 minute period directly into the perifornical lateral hypothalamic (stereotaxic coordinate: 2.8 mm caudal from bregma, +/- 1.2 mm lateral to the midline, and -7.4 mm from the dura mater) through a pulled glass capillary pipette (30 µm tip diameter) connected to a Picospritzer. The rats were allowed at least 7 days for a full recovery from surgery and NPY-SAP-induced neuronal ablation.

Related Products: NPY-SAP (Cat. #IT-28), Blank-SAP (Cat. #IT-21)

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