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KNDy neurons as the GnRH pulse generator: Recent studies in ruminants

Nestor CC, Merkley CM, Lehman MN, Hileman SM, Goodman RL (2023) KNDy neurons as the GnRH pulse generator: Recent studies in ruminants. Peptides 164:171005. doi: 10.1016/j.peptides.2023.171005 PMID: 36990389

Objective: This publication aims to summarize and provide an overview of recent studies investigating the role of KNDy neurons as the pulse generator for gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) release in ruminants.

Summary: Recent studies in ruminants, specifically sheep and cows, have investigated the role of KNDy neurons in driving the pulsatile release of GnRH. These studies have demonstrated the rhythmic electrical activity of KNDy neurons, coinciding with the pulsatile secretion of GnRH in ewes, suggesting their central role as the pulse generator. Additionally, the expression patterns of genes related to KNDy neurons and GnRH pulsatility have been examined in cows, revealing variations throughout the estrous cycle and indicating a potential involvement of KNDy neurons in regulating GnRH release in this species. These findings contribute to our understanding of reproductive physiology in ruminants and have implications for both animal and human reproductive health.

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