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Neuronal lesioning with axonally transported toxins.

Wiley RG, Kline IV RH (2000) Neuronal lesioning with axonally transported toxins. J Neurosci Methods 103:73-82. doi: 10.1016/S0165-0270(00)00297-1

Summary: Functional neuroanatomy studies have long utilized lesioning. Given the complexity of heterogeneous neuron populations conventional lesioning methods have proved relatively crude, and have provided limited information. Wiley and Kline detail some of the immunotoxins utilizing saporin as well as neuropeptide-saporin conjugates that have found use in recent neurological research. These products include SP-SAP (Cat. #IT-07), which eliminates neurons expressing the neurokinin 1 receptor, 192-Saporin (Cat. #IT-01), which eliminates neurons expressing the p75 receptor in rats, anti-DBH-SAP (Cat #IT-03), which destroys noradrenergic and adrenergic neurons, and OX7-SAP (Cat. #IT-02), which is a suicide transport agent targeting all rat neurons. The authors also discuss some of the protocols and methods utilized with these compounds.

Related Products: 192-IgG-SAP (Cat. #IT-01), OX7-SAP (Cat. #IT-02), Anti-DBH-SAP (Cat. #IT-03), SP-SAP (Cat. #IT-07)

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