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Involvement of median preoptic nucleus and medullary noradrenergic neurons in cardiovascular and sympathetic responses of hemorrhagic rats

Naves LM, Marques SM, Mourão AA, Fajemiroye JO, Xavier CH, de Castro CH, Rebelo ACS, Rosa DA, Gomes RM, Colombari E, Pedrino GR (2018) Involvement of median preoptic nucleus and medullary noradrenergic neurons in cardiovascular and sympathetic responses of hemorrhagic rats. Sci Rep 8:11276. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-29310-z

Objective: To evaluate the involvement of median preoptic nucleus (MnPO) and medullary noradrenergic neurons (A1 and A2) in HSS-induced cardiovascular and sympathetic responses in hemorrhagic rats.

Summary: The recovery of MAP and HSS-induced sympathoinhibition in hemorrhaged rats depend on intact neural projections from A1 and A2 to MnPO.

Usage: In order to achieve A1 and/or A2 neuronal lesions, Anti-DBH-SAP (100 nL, 0.105 ng·nL−1 ) was nanoinjected into the CVLM and NTS region, respectively. In sham groups, the equimolar of Saporin (100 nL, 0.022 ng·nL−1 ) was nanoinjected into the same site.

Related Products: Anti-DBH-SAP (Cat. #IT-03), Saporin (Cat. #PR-01)

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