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  4. Decrease of GABAergic Markers and Arc Protein Expression in the Frontal Cortex by Intraventricular 192 IgG-Saporin.

Decrease of GABAergic Markers and Arc Protein Expression in the Frontal Cortex by Intraventricular 192 IgG-Saporin.

Jeong DU, Chang WS, Hwang YS, Lee D, Chang JW (2011) Decrease of GABAergic Markers and Arc Protein Expression in the Frontal Cortex by Intraventricular 192 IgG-Saporin. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord 32(1):70-78. doi: 10.1159/000330741

Summary: The authors examined the use of 192-IgG-SAP (Cat. #IT-01) to establish a standardized model for dementia. Rats received several different doses of toxin in bilateral intraventricular injections. This injection method resulted in reliable memory impairment in a behavioral test, decreased GABAergic activity in the frontal cortex affecting spatial memory, and no change in the hippocampus. Using this technique, 8 µg of 192-IgG-SAP produced the optimal memory impairment.

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