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Developmental origin of preBotzinger Complex respiratory neurons.

Gray PA, Hayes JA, Ling GY, Llona I, Tupal S, Picardo MCD, Ross SE, Hirata T, Corbin JG, Eugenin J, Del Negro CA (2010) Developmental origin of preBotzinger Complex respiratory neurons. J Neurosci 30(44):14883-14895. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4031-10.2010 PMID: 21048147

Summary: Breathing in adult rats requires a subset of neurons in the preBötzinger Complex (preBötC) that express the neurokinin-1 receptor and the peptide somatostatin. In this work the authors investigate the developmental origins of these cells. Using various techniques, including immunohistochemistry with an anti-neurokinin-1 receptor antibody (Cat. #AB-N04), it is demonstrated that neurons derived from Dbx-1 expressing progenitor cells are important in the generation of respiratory behavior.

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