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  4. Decrease in membrane phospholipid unsaturation induces unfolded protein response.

Decrease in membrane phospholipid unsaturation induces unfolded protein response.

Ariyama H, Kono N, Matsuda S, Inoue T, Arai H (2010) Decrease in membrane phospholipid unsaturation induces unfolded protein response. J Biol Chem 285(29):22027-22035. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M110.126870 PMID: 20489212

Summary: Properties of the cell membrane can be influenced by the degree of fatty acid unsaturation in membrane phospholipids. Alteration of this unsaturation has been implicated in many disease states. Using an anti-SCD1 antibody (Cat. #AB-259) to visualize SCD-1 levels by western blot, the authors determined that there are several genetic factors that affect the level of saturated fatty acid in systems modulating insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

Related Products: SCD-1 Mouse Monoclonal (Cat. #AB-259)

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