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  4. Orexin-B-saporin lesions in the lateral hypothalamus enhance photic masking of rapid eye movement sleep in the albino rat.

Orexin-B-saporin lesions in the lateral hypothalamus enhance photic masking of rapid eye movement sleep in the albino rat.

Ocampo-Garces A, Ibanez F, Perdomo G, Torrealba F (2011) Orexin-B-saporin lesions in the lateral hypothalamus enhance photic masking of rapid eye movement sleep in the albino rat. J Sleep Res 20:3-11. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2869.2010.00864.x

Summary: Photic masking occurs when photic input to the retina interferes with REM sleep. Rats that received 200 ng of orexin-SAP (Cat. #IT-20) into the lateral hypothalamus experienced dramatically less REM sleep during normal light cycles. Placing them in a skeleton photoperiod (brief pulses of light, one in the morning and one in the evening), however, caused REM sleep during the rest phase to return to normal. This data suggests that photic masking may explain some effects of narcolepsy and cataplexy.

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