Author name: Kristen Hartman

Cell lipotypes localization in brain by mass spectrometry imaging

Martínez-Gardeazabal J, Moreno-Rodríguez M, Llorente-Ovejero A, González de San Román E, Lombardero L, Bengoetxea de Tena I, Sustacha J, Matute C (2024) Cell lipotypes localization in brain by mass spectrometry imaging. bioRxiv doi: 10.1101/2024.02.02.578599 Objective: Characterizing the type of different central nervous system cells via mass spectrometry of their component lipids. Summary: Different varieties of […]

Cell lipotypes localization in brain by mass spectrometry imaging Read More »

Cadherin-13 Maintains Retinotectal Synapses via Transneuronal Interactions

Matcham AC, Toma K, Tsai NY, Sze CJ, Lin PY, Stewart IF, Duan X (2024) Cadherin-13 Maintains Retinotectal Synapses via Transneuronal Interactions. J Neurosci 44(5):e1310232023. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1310-23.2023 PMID: 38123991 Objective: To explore the role of Type II cadherins, particularly Cdh13, in the formation of specific retinotectal synapses. Summary: Cdh13 is highly expressed in wide-field neurons

Cadherin-13 Maintains Retinotectal Synapses via Transneuronal Interactions Read More »

The basal forebrain cholinergic system as target for cell replacement therapy in Parkinson’s disease

Björklund A, Barker RA (2024) The basal forebrain cholinergic system as target for cell replacement therapy in Parkinson’s disease. Brain awae026. doi: 10.1093/brain/awae026 PMID: 38279949 Objective: Review the use of cholinergic cell replacement as a potential therapeutic strategy in Parkinson’s Disease (PD) and how rodent models of PD-like cognitive decline can be used by analyzing

The basal forebrain cholinergic system as target for cell replacement therapy in Parkinson’s disease Read More »

Chemical and biological characterization of vaccine adjuvant QS-21 produced via plant cell culture

Lv X, Martin J, Hoover H, Joshi B, Wilkens M, Ullisch DA, Leibold T, Juchum JS, Revadkar S, Kalinovska B, Keith J, Truby A, Liu G, Sun E, Haserick J, DeGnore J, Conolly J, Hill AVS, Baldoni J, Kensil C, Levey D, Spencer AJ, Gorr G, Findeis M, Tanne A (2024) Chemical and biological characterization

Chemical and biological characterization of vaccine adjuvant QS-21 produced via plant cell culture Read More »

Identification of a novel perifornical-hypothalamic-area-projecting serotonergic system that inhibits innate panic and conditioned fear responses

Bernabe CS, Caliman IF, de Abreu ARR, Molosh AI, Truitt WA, Shekhar A, Johnson PL (2024) Identification of a novel perifornical-hypothalamic-area-projecting serotonergic system that inhibits innate panic and conditioned fear responses. Transl Psychiatry 14(1):60. doi: 10.1038/s41398-024-02769-3 PMID: 38272876 Objective: To investigate the role of serotonergic inputs from the raphe nuclei to the perifornical hypothalamic area

Identification of a novel perifornical-hypothalamic-area-projecting serotonergic system that inhibits innate panic and conditioned fear responses Read More »

Characterizing a new tool to manipulate area postrema GLP1R+ neurons across species

Fulton S, Horn CC, Zhang C (2024) Characterizing a new tool to manipulate area postrema GLP1R+ neurons across species. Physiol Behav 114474. doi: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2024.114474 PMID: 38272107 Objective: Characterize the ligand exenatide conjugated to saporin as a tool to ablate GLP1 receptor-expressing cells from human, mice, and shrews, a small animal model capable of emesis (vomiting).

Characterizing a new tool to manipulate area postrema GLP1R+ neurons across species Read More »

Etonogestrel promotes respiratory recovery in an in vivo rat model of central chemoreflex impairment

Janes TA, Cardani S, Saini JK, Pagliardini S (2024) Etonogestrel promotes respiratory recovery in an in vivo rat model of central chemoreflex impairment. Acta Physiol (Oxf) e14093. doi: 10.1111/apha.14093 PMID: 38258900 Objective: Examine the use of progestins and synthetic progestins in the stimulation of breathing, especially after chemoreflexive impairment. Summary: Central CO2 chemoreflex is important

Etonogestrel promotes respiratory recovery in an in vivo rat model of central chemoreflex impairment Read More »

Repopulated spinal cord microglia exhibit a unique transcriptome and contribute to pain resolution

Donovan LJ, Bridges CM, Nippert AR, Wang M, Wu S, Forman TE, Haight ES, Huck NA, Bond SF, Jordan CE, Gardner AM, Nair RV, Tawfik VL (2024) Repopulated spinal cord microglia exhibit a unique transcriptome and contribute to pain resolution. Cell Rep 43(2):113683. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2024.113683 PMID: 38261512 Objective: To study the role of microglia in

Repopulated spinal cord microglia exhibit a unique transcriptome and contribute to pain resolution Read More »

Crosstalk between colorectal CSCs and immune cells in tumorigenesis, and strategies for targeting colorectal CSCs

Zhao Q, Zong H, Zhu P, Su C, Tang W, Chen Z, Jin S (2024) Crosstalk between colorectal CSCs and immune cells in tumorigenesis, and strategies for targeting colorectal CSCs. Exp Hematol Oncol 13(1):6. doi: 10.1186/s40164-024-00474-x PMID: 38254219 Summary: Cancer immunotherapy has become a promising strategy in the treatment of colorectal cancer, and relapse after

Crosstalk between colorectal CSCs and immune cells in tumorigenesis, and strategies for targeting colorectal CSCs Read More »

A role of frontal association cortex in long-term object recognition memory of objects with complex features in rats

Masmudi-Martín M, López-Aranda MF, Navarro-Lobato I, Khan ZU (2024) A role of frontal association cortex in long-term object recognition memory of objects with complex features in rats. Eur J Neurosci 59(7):1743-1752. doi: 10.1111/ejn.16243 PMID: 38238909 Objective: Provide evidence that the frontal association cortex and not the Perirhinal cortex is essential for object recognition memory (ORM)

A role of frontal association cortex in long-term object recognition memory of objects with complex features in rats Read More »

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