
Targeting Article: SBIR Grant Funded: Selective Activation in Neuronal Populations

ATS has been awarded a Phase I SBIR grant to develop a new line of products. Dr. Douglas Lappi is the Principal Investigator and Brian Russell is the Lead Scientist on the project. Molecules targeted towards cell surface markers have been used for years to identify specific cell types. It has been demonstrated over the

Targeting Article: SBIR Grant Funded: Selective Activation in Neuronal Populations Read More »

Cover Article: Depletion of Microglia by Mac-1-SAP in Mouse Hippocampal Slice Cultures Enhances Ischemia-Like Neurodegeneration

Contributed by Maria Montero (a), Berta Gonzalez (b), Jens Zimmer (a)(a) Anatomy and Neurobiology, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark(b) Histology Unit, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain Microglial cells contribute about 12% of the cells in the brain, acting as “biosensors” for homeostatic regulation in normal and pathological conditions.[3,13] Resting microglial cells in the adult brain

Cover Article: Depletion of Microglia by Mac-1-SAP in Mouse Hippocampal Slice Cultures Enhances Ischemia-Like Neurodegeneration Read More »

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