
Related publications for ATS products and services
2996 entries

Cell subpopulations overexpressing p75NTR have tumor-initiating properties in the c6 glioma cell line

Yang WH, Cheng CY, Chen MF, Wang TC (2018) Cell subpopulations overexpressing p75NTR have tumor-initiating properties in the c6 glioma cell line. 38(9):5183-5192. doi: 10.21873/anticanres.12841 PMID: 30194166

Objective: This study is focused on the possible role of p75NTR in glioma tumor initiation.

Summary: Cells with p75NTR overexpression demonstrated certain unique characteristics of tumor-initiating cells, such as neurosphere formation, high colony proliferation, and resistance to radio- and chemotherapy. With regard to the heterogeneous composition of glioma cells, p75NTR can be used as an alternative marker to identify a glioma subpopulation with tumor-initiating properties.

Usage: flow cytometry

Related Products: NGFR (mu p75) Rabbit Polyclonal, affinity-purified (Cat. #AB-N01AP)

Substance P and neurotensin in the limbic system: Their roles in reinforcement and memory consolidation.

Lénárd L, László K, Kertes E, Ollmann T, Péczely L, Kovács A, Kállai V, Zagorácz O, Gálosi R, Karádi Z (2018) Substance P and neurotensin in the limbic system: Their roles in reinforcement and memory consolidation. Neurosci Biobehav Rev 85:1-20. doi: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2017.09.003

Summary: A specific neurotoxin, SSP-SAP can cause selective ablation of NK1 receptor expressing cells. This lesion in the BLA of rats resulted in anxiogenic effect, while in the CeA had no effect in EPM test.

See: Truitt WA et al. Anxiety-like behavior is modulated by a discrete subpopulation of interneurons in the basolateral amygdala. Neuroscience 160:284-294, 2009.

Related Products: SSP-SAP (Cat. #IT-11)

The angiotensin II type 2 receptors protect renal tubule mitochondria in early stages of diabetes mellitus

Micakovic T, Papagiannarou S, Clark E, Kuzay Y, Abramovic K, Peters J, Sticht C, Volk N, Fleming T, Nawroth P, Hammes HP, Alenina N, Grone HJ, Hoffmann SC (2018) The angiotensin II type 2 receptors protect renal tubule mitochondria in early stages of diabetes mellitus. Kidney Int 94:937-950. doi: 10.1016/j.kint.2018.06.006 PMID: 30190172

Objective: To investigate the role of the angiotensin II type 2 receptor (AT-2R) at the early stages of diabetic nephropathy.

Summary: Targeted AT-2R overexpression in renal cells may open new avenues to develop novel types of drugs preventing diabetic nephropathy.

Usage: Histology, immunohistochemistry; 1:100

Related Products: Angiotensin II receptor (AT-2R) Rabbit Polyclonal, affinity-purified (Cat. #AB-N28AP)

Non-canonical Ret signaling augments p75-mediated cell death in developing sympathetic neurons

Donnelly CR, Gabreski NA, Suh EB, Chowdhury M, Pierchala BA (2018) Non-canonical Ret signaling augments p75-mediated cell death in developing sympathetic neurons. J Cell Biol 217:327. doi: 10.1083/jcb.201703120 PMID: 30018091

Summary: The authors investigated the interactions of pro-survival and pro-apoptotic receptors in Programmed Cell Death (PCD) using the sympathetic nervous system as a model. They demonstrate that Ret, a receptor tyrosine kinase required for the survival of many neuronal populations, is restricted to a subset of degenerating neurons that rapidly undergo apoptosis.

Usage: Proximity ligation assays (1:500); Western blotting (1:1,000)

Related Products: NGFr (mu p75) Rabbit Polyclonal (Cat. #AB-N01)

Tools to Study Programmed Cell Death

Molecular, cellular and circuit basis of cholinergic modulation of pain

Naser PV, Kuner R (2018) Molecular, cellular and circuit basis of cholinergic modulation of pain. Neuroscience 387:135-148. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2017.08.049

Related Products: 192-IgG-SAP (Cat. #IT-01)

Neuropeptide Y and its involvement in chronic pain

Diaz-delCastillo M, Woldbye DPD, Heegaard AM (2018) Neuropeptide Y and its involvement in chronic pain. Neuroscience 387:162-169. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2017.08.050

Related Products: NPY-SAP (Cat. #IT-28)

Atopic dermatitis linked cytokine interleukin-31 induced itch mediated via a neuropeptide natriuretic polypeptide b

Pitake S, Ralph PC, DeBrecht J, Mishra SK (2018) Atopic dermatitis linked cytokine interleukin-31 induced itch mediated via a neuropeptide natriuretic polypeptide b. Acta Derm Venereol 98:795-796. doi: 10.2340/00015555-2977

Objective: To determine if NPPB is involved as a neuropeptide in IL-31-mediated itch in atopic dermatitis (AD) via natriuretic polypeptide receptor A (NPRA) in the spinal cord.

Summary: This study reveals an important role of neuropeptide NPPB in AD that could provide a therapeutic target for alleviating chronic itch associated with AD.

Usage: To further demonstrate the IL-31-mediated itch response by NPRA receptors expressed in the spinal cord, Nppb-SAP (5 μg) was used to eliminate neurons expressing NPRA receptors in the spinal cord.

Related Products: Nppb-SAP (Cat. #IT-69)

Expression of the intrarenal angiotensin receptor and the role of renin-angiotensin system inhibitors in IgA nephropathy.

Zhang Z, Jiang SM, Ma YP, Dai PL, Wang YN, Zou GM, Gao HM, Yang Y, Li WG (2019) Expression of the intrarenal angiotensin receptor and the role of renin-angiotensin system inhibitors in IgA nephropathy. Mol Cell Biochem 453:103-110. doi: 10.1007/s11010-018-3435-4 PMID: 30159797

Objective: To investigate the role of intrarenal renin-angiotensin system (RAS) in the development of human kidney disease. Patients with IgA nephropathy (IgAN) were screened and their clinical characteristics analyzed.

Summary: Overexpression of AT1R on the mesangial cells of IgAN patients is associated with mesangial cell proliferation, glomerular segmental sclerosis, and crescent formation.

Usage: immunohistochemistry (1:500)

Related Products: Angiotensin II receptor (AT-2R) Rabbit Polyclonal, affinity-purified (Cat. #AB-N28AP)

Selective ablation of striatal striosomes produces the deregulation of dopamine nigrostriatal pathway

Shumilov K, Real MÁ, Valderrama-Carvajal A, Rivera A (2018) Selective ablation of striatal striosomes produces the deregulation of dopamine nigrostriatal pathway. PLoS One 13:e0203135. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0203135

Objective: To increase knowledge in the role of the striosomal projection onto the dopamine neurons of the SNc and its impact on the nigrostriatal dopamine pathway.

Summary: Results highlight the key function of the striosomes for maintenance of the striatal dopamine tone and contribute to the understanding of their involvement in some neurological disorders such as Huntington’s disease.

Usage: Unilateral intrastriatal 2-μl injections of Dermorphin-SAP (17 μg/μl in saline) were performed to induce the selective ablation of MOR-expressing neurons in the striosomal compartment.

Related Products: Dermorphin-SAP / MOR-SAP (Cat. #IT-12)

Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase-dependent expansion of T-regulatory cells maintains mucosal healing in ulcerative colitis

Acovic A, Simovic Markovic B, Gazdic M, Arsenijevic A, Jovicic N, Gajovic N, Jovanovic M, Zdravkovic N, Kanjevac T, Harrell CR, Fellabaum C, Dolicanin Z, Djonov V, Arsenijevic N, Lukic ML, Volarevic V (2018) Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase-dependent expansion of T-regulatory cells maintains mucosal healing in ulcerative colitis. Therap Adv Gastroenterol 11:1-22. doi: 10.1177/1756284818793558

Objective: To analyze the significance of the IDO:Treg axis for inducing and maintaining mucosal healing in ulcerative colitis (UC).

Summary: IDO-dependent expansion of endogenous Tregs should be explored as a new approach for induction and maintenance of mucosal healing in patients with UC.

Usage: DSS-treated BALB/c mice were injected with Anti-CD103-SAP (2 mg/kg, intraperitoneally).

Related Products: Anti-CD103-SAP (Cat. #IT-50)

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