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  4. Selective cholinergic depletion of the hippocampus spares both behaviorally induced Arc transcription and spatial learning and memory.

Selective cholinergic depletion of the hippocampus spares both behaviorally induced Arc transcription and spatial learning and memory.

Fletcher BR, Baxter MG, Guzowski JF, Shapiro ML, Rapp PR (2007) Selective cholinergic depletion of the hippocampus spares both behaviorally induced Arc transcription and spatial learning and memory. Hippocampus 17:227-234. doi: 10.1002/hipo.20261

Summary: The immediate early gene Arc is required for long-term synaptic changes and memory consolidation. The authors lesioned the fornix to examine cholinergic contributions of the medial septum and the vertical diagonal band to spatial learning impairments and behavioral induction of Arc transcription. 0.24-0.36 µg of 192-IgG-SAP (Cat. #IT-01) was delivered to the fornix of rats. Results from various water-maze tasks indicate that spatial learning deficits and impaired Arc transcription associated with lesions of the fornix are not caused by cholinergic deafferentation.

Related Products: 192-IgG-SAP (Cat. #IT-01)

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