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  4. Long-term effects of immunotoxic cholinergic lesions in the septum on acquisition of the cone-field task and noncognitive measures in rats.

Long-term effects of immunotoxic cholinergic lesions in the septum on acquisition of the cone-field task and noncognitive measures in rats.

van der Staay FJ, Bouger P, Lehmann O, Lazarus C, Cosquer B, Koenig J, Stump V, Cassel JC (2006) Long-term effects of immunotoxic cholinergic lesions in the septum on acquisition of the cone-field task and noncognitive measures in rats. Hippocampus 16(12):1061-1079. doi: 10.1002/hipo.20229

Summary: 192-Saporin (Cat. #IT-01) has been used to make extremely specific lesions in the septohippocampal cholinergic system of the brain. The specificity of these lesions is allowing researchers to more accurately map the involvement of the septohippocampal cholinergic system in spatial learning and memory. Here, rats received 0.8 µg of 192-Saporin in the medial septum and the vertical limb of diagonal band of Broca. Lesioned animals only exhibited deficits in attentional learning.

Related Products: 192-IgG-SAP (Cat. #IT-01)

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