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  4. Purkinje cell loss by OX7-saporin impairs acquisition and extinction of eyeblink conditioning.

Purkinje cell loss by OX7-saporin impairs acquisition and extinction of eyeblink conditioning.

Nolan BC, Freeman JH (2006) Purkinje cell loss by OX7-saporin impairs acquisition and extinction of eyeblink conditioning. Learn Mem 13(3):359-365. doi: 10.1101/lm.168506

Summary: Adaptive adjustments to movements depend on cerebellar learning. This work examines the effect of a global depletion of Purkinje cells in the cerebellar cortex on delay eyeblink conditioning in rats. 15 µg of OX7-SAP (Cat. #IT-02) was infused into the left lateral ventricle 2 weeks prior to training. Purkinje cell loss in the anterior lobe and lobule HVI correlated with impaired acquisition and extinction of delay eyeblink conditioning, indicating an important role for these cells.

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