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  4. Descending facilitation from the rostral ventromedial medulla maintains visceral pain in rats with experimental pancreatitis.

Descending facilitation from the rostral ventromedial medulla maintains visceral pain in rats with experimental pancreatitis.

Vera-Portocarrero LP, Yie JX, Kowal J, Ossipov MH, King T, Porreca F (2006) Descending facilitation from the rostral ventromedial medulla maintains visceral pain in rats with experimental pancreatitis. Gastroenterology 130(7):2155-2164. doi: 10.1053/j.gastro.2006.03.025

Summary: Here the authors investigated the role of ascending or descending pathways in the mediation of pain caused by pancreatitis. Rats received 1.5 pmol injections of dermorphin-SAP (Cat. #IT-12) into each side of the rostral ventromedial medulla. Abdominal hypersensitivity was tested using von Frey filaments. Although the ablation of mu-opioid receptor-expressing neurons by dermorphin-SAP did not prevent the initial expression of pancreatitis pain, maintenance of this pain was absent. The data link maintenance of pancreatitis pain to descending pathways.

Related Products: Dermorphin-SAP / MOR-SAP (Cat. #IT-12)

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