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  4. Sox10+ adult stem cells contribute to biomaterial encapsulation and microvascularization

Sox10+ adult stem cells contribute to biomaterial encapsulation and microvascularization

Wang D, Wang A, Wu F, Qiu X, Li Y, Chu J, Huang WC, Xu K, Gong X, Li S (2017) Sox10+ adult stem cells contribute to biomaterial encapsulation and microvascularization. Sci Rep 7:40295. doi: 10.1038/srep40295 PMID: 28071739

Objective: To show that Sox10+ adult stem cells contribute to both encapsulation and microvessel formation.

Summary: This study provides a novel mechanism that Sox10+ adult stem cells in the stroma of subcutaneous loose connective tissues are a common precursor of fibroblasts/myofibroblasts and perivascular cells. These adult stem cells can first differentiate into fibroblast-like cells at early stages of biomaterials implantation, and then into myofibroblasts promoting encapsulation/fibrosis, or perivascular cells supporting microvessels.

Usage: flow cytometry

Related Products: NGFR (mu p75) Rabbit Polyclonal, affinity-purified (Cat. #AB-N01AP)

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