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  4. Up-regulation of growth-associated protein 43 mRNA in rat medial septum neurons axotomized by fimbria-fornix transection.

Up-regulation of growth-associated protein 43 mRNA in rat medial septum neurons axotomized by fimbria-fornix transection.

Haas CA, Hollerbach E, Deller T, Naumann T, Frotscher M (2000) Up-regulation of growth-associated protein 43 mRNA in rat medial septum neurons axotomized by fimbria-fornix transection. Eur J Neurosci 12:4233-4242. doi: 10.1046/j.0953-816x.2000.01329.x

Summary: Axonal growth and regeneration is limited in adult mammals, however, if injured CNS neurons are in an environment permissive for growth, they can regenerate. Transection of septohippocampal fibers is a widely used method for studying CNS neuron response to injury. These fibers are composed of both cholinergic and GABAergic neurons. Haas et al. used a combination of cholinergic lesioning by 192-Saporin (Cat. #IT-01) and double staining to investigate whether both cell types were involved in neuron regeneration. The findings show that both transmitter phenotypes up-regulate mRNA levels of a protein associated with growth and synaptogenesis in developing neurons, and plasticity in adult neurons.

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