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The effects of targeted intracerebral saporin injection on recovery from stroke

Becker A, Goldberg M (2014) The effects of targeted intracerebral saporin injection on recovery from stroke. Neuroscience 2014 Abstracts 800.09. Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC.

Summary: It is well known that the diffuse neuromodulatory systems of the brain play a role in cortical plasticity that may extend to cortical reorganization after brain injury. The basal forebrain cholinergic system in particular is necessary for both cortical plasticity and behavioral recovery from cortical electrolytic lesions. The role of the cholinergic system in recovery from stroke has never been directly investigated. In this experiment, we asked the question: is the basal forebrain cholinergic system in the mouse necessary for behavioral recovery from stroke? To answer this question, we administered intracerebral injections of the selective immunotoxin mu p75-saporin bilaterally to the cholinergic nucleus basalis in young adult mice. Using choline acetyltransferase immunohisochemistry, cresyl violet staining, and fluoro-jade B staining we discovered a dose at which these injections eliminate local cholinergic neurons while leaving other cell types and cholinergic cells outside the nucleus basalis unharmed. We report the effects of these injections on behavioral recovery from a subsequently induced photothrombotic cortical ischemic stroke.

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