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  4. Breathing regulation and blood gas homeostasis after near complete lesions of the retrotrapezoid nucleus in adult rats.

Breathing regulation and blood gas homeostasis after near complete lesions of the retrotrapezoid nucleus in adult rats.

Souza GMPR, Kanbar R, Stornetta DS, Abbott SBG, Stornetta RL, Guyenet PG (2018) Breathing regulation and blood gas homeostasis after near complete lesions of the retrotrapezoid nucleus in adult rats. J Physiol 596(13):2521-2545. doi: 10.1113/JP275866

Objective: To test how important the retrotrapezoid nucleus (RTN) is to PCO2 homeostasis and breathing during sleep or wake.

Summary: Near complete RTN destruction in rats virtually eliminates the CRC but HVR persists and sighing and the state-dependence of breathing are unchanged. Under normoxia, RTN lesions cause no change in VE but alveolar ventilation is reduced by at least 21%, probably because of increased physiological dead volume. RTN lesions do not cause sleep apnea during SWS, even under hyperoxia.

Usage: A total of 6 microinjections (120 nl/injection; 3 rostrocaudally aligned injections per side) were made 100-200 μm below the lower edge of the facial motor nucleus 2 mm lateral to the midline. Experimental rats received either 0.6 ng, 1.2 ng, or 2.4 ng of SSP-SAP per injection.

Related Products: SSP-SAP (Cat. #IT-11)

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