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  4. Retinal waves modulate an intraretinal circuit of intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells.

Retinal waves modulate an intraretinal circuit of intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells.

Arroyo D, Kirkby L, Feller M (2016) Retinal waves modulate an intraretinal circuit of intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells. J Neurosci 36:6892-6905. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0572-16.2016 PMID: 27358448

Summary: The researchers explore the neural circuits underlying the ipRGC driven light responses of the developing retina and the mechanisms by which retinal waves regulate these circuits. They demonstrate that, even in the presence of cholinergic waves, ipRGC gap junction microcircuits propagate light-driven signals, thus strongly contributing to the overall light response of the developing retina. Following fixation, retinas were washed in PBS and remounted onto a new piece of filter paper. They were incubated in blocking buffer and then in primary immunoreaction solution, 1:2500 rabbit anti-melanopsin (Cat. #AB-N38). Results show that, during development, ipRGCs form extensive gap junction microcircuits that shape the early retinal light response. Retinal waves exert a far-reaching, neuromodulatory influence on these circuits via dopaminergic modulation of gap junctions, thus potentially impacting the processing of early visual input.

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