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Differential roles for cryptochromes in the mammalian retinal clock

Wong JCY, Smyllie NJ, Banks GT, Pothecary CA, Barnard AR, Maywood ES, Jagannath A, Hughes S, van der Horst GTJ, MacLaren RE, Hankins MW, Hastings MH, Nolan PM, Foster RG, Peirson SN (2018) Differential roles for cryptochromes in the mammalian retinal clock. FASEB J 32:4302-4314. doi: 10.1096/fj.201701165RR PMID: 29561690

Objective: To determine roles of cryptochromes (CRY) in the retinal clock.

Summary: Data suggest that CRY1 is an essential component of the mammalian retinal clock, whereas CRY2 has a more limited role.

Usage: Immunohistochemistry 1:2500.

Related Products: Melanopsin Rabbit Polyclonal (Cat. #AB-N38)

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