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Current and future issues in the development of spinal agents for the management of pain.

Yaksh T, Fisher C, Hockman T, Wiese A (2017) Current and future issues in the development of spinal agents for the management of pain. Curr Neuropharmacol 15:232-259.. doi: 10.2174/1570159×14666160307145542

Summary: Although conscious pain experience is driven by signals mediated supraspinally, the more high intensity pain generated by strong stimuli, tissue injury, and nerve injury is encoded at the spinal dorsal horn level. The control of pain signals at the spinal dorsal horn level is a tempting target for targeted pain therapy. This review discusses the potential targets for pain therapeutics in the spinal dorsal horn, and some of the spinal agents used to modulate pain transmission through that location. The use of SSP-SAP (Cat. #IT-11) is mentioned as a neurokinin-1 targeted molecule that can block some pain transmission.

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