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  4. Cholinergic basal forebrain structures are involved in the mediation of the arousal effect of noradrenaline.

Cholinergic basal forebrain structures are involved in the mediation of the arousal effect of noradrenaline.

Lelkes Z, Porkka-Heiskanen T, Stenberg D (2013) Cholinergic basal forebrain structures are involved in the mediation of the arousal effect of noradrenaline. J Sleep Res 22(6):721-726. doi: 10.1111/jsr.12061

Summary: Wakefulness is enhanced by the injection of noradrenaline into the basal forebrain, but it has not been clear whether cholinergic or non-cholinergic neurons are involved. 230 ng of 192-IgG-SAP (Cat. #IT-01) was administered to the horizontal diagonal band/substantia innominata/ magnocellular preoptic nucleus of rats. Upon treatment with methoxamine, lesioned animals lost the non-REM sleep-suppressing effect, but the REM sleep-suppressing effect remained intact.

Related Products: 192-IgG-SAP (Cat. #IT-01)

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