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  4. Phox2b-expressing neurons of the parafacial region regulate breathing rate, inspiration, and expiration in conscious rats.

Phox2b-expressing neurons of the parafacial region regulate breathing rate, inspiration, and expiration in conscious rats.

Abbott SB, Stornetta RL, Coates MB, Guyenet PG (2011) Phox2b-expressing neurons of the parafacial region regulate breathing rate, inspiration, and expiration in conscious rats. J Neurosci 31(45):16410-16422. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3280-11.2011

Summary: Neurons in the retrotrapezoid nucleus (RTN) are involved in the CO2-dependent control of breathing in conscious and anesthetized rats. In this work the authors specifically examined Phox2b-expressing glutaminergic neurons in the RTN. Rats received 44 ng of DBH-SAP (Cat. #IT-03) into the lateral horn of the second thoracic segment in order to eliminate C1 neurons that project to the spinal cord. The data demonstrate regulation of lung ventilation by RTN-Phox2b neurons, and also that these neurons are not rhythmogenic in adults.

Related Products: Anti-DBH-SAP (Cat. #IT-03)

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